Style Guides
WB_Num | English | Description | Part of Speech | Chinese | Chuukese | Nepali | Romanian | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Ukrainian | Vietnamese | List | References | View Translations |
1 | Bill | a statement showing how much you owe for sewer, stormwater, and water services | noun | 账单 | Toropwen aninis ren kekesino | बिल | factură | счет | Biil | cuenta/factura | рахунок | hóa đơn | PDXWB | More details | |
2 | corrosion control treatment | water treatment that reduces corrosion of metals, especially of plumbing and pipes | noun | 腐蚀控制处理 | Tumunun parang | कोरोजन नियन्त्रण उपचार | tratament pentru contolul coroziunii | антикоррозийную обработка | daaweynta xakamaynta daxalka | Tratamiento para el control de la corrosión. | обробка проти корозії | Phương Pháp Xử Lý Để Kiểm Soát Rỉ Sét.. | PDXWB | More details | |
3 | historic preservation | efforts to retain elements of structures, buildings, or artifacts (and more) that represent people, places, or events of the past | noun | 历史建筑保护 | Iseisen mettochun neni kena, imw kena, ika mettochun noem kena (me pwan napeno) ra kan tipweni aramas, neni kena, ika fofor seni noem. | ऐतिहासिक सुरक्षण | conservare istorică | сохранение истории | ilaalinta taariikhiga | preservación histórica | збереженя історичної спадщини | khu vực bảo tồn lịch sử | PDXWB | More details | |
4 | household | people who live in the same house | noun | 家庭 住户 | Aramas kena ra kan nomfengen non ewe chok imw | घरपरिवार | gospodărie | семья or cовместно проживающие лица | qoys | Hogar | родина | những người sống cùng một nhà | PDXWB | More details | |
5 | leak detection dial | dial on a water meter that shows when water is being used. The dial is usually shaped like a triangle or snowflake. If it is spinning, water is on somewhere in the building or the building has a leak. | noun | 渗漏检测仪 | Dial won ewe water meter ina a kan pwarano nupwen ra kan eaea konik. Ika pwe a kan kukun, iwe konik a kan kuusuno non ew neni no ewe imw ika a wor ew nechun non ewe imw. | लिक जाँच्ने डायल | ecran de detectare a scurgerii | циферблат обнаружения течи | tusa biyaha daadanaya | Dial de detección de fugas | циферблат виявлення витоків | Số điện thoại Phát hiện Rò rỉ | PDXWB | More details | |
6 | metallic | made of metal | adjective | 金属的 | For seni mecha | धातुजन्य | metalic | металлический | bir ah | de metal. | металевий | Kim loại | PDXWB | More details | |
7 | people of color | people who are not considered white. (Use more specific terms whenever possible, as “people of color” can imply that whiteness is the norm.) | adjective | 有色人种 | Aramas kena ir rese kan pwech. | विभिन्न वर्णका मानिसहरू | persoane de culoare | представители расовых меньшинств, небелокожее население, люди другого цвета кожи | madowga/aasiyaanka | Personas de color | представники расових меншин | người da màu | PDXWB | More details | |
8 | access shaft | a pit or wall workers can use to access underground space. In many cases, workers use an access shaft to access either end of an underground tunnel. Most access shafts are pretty deep, so their walls are reinforced with concrete or steel. This makes them more of a shaft than just a big hole in the ground (although they are also usually large holes in the ground). | noun | 竖井通道 | Ew pwang ika atip chon angang rekan aea ne totiw fan pwun. | पहुँच शाफ्ट | puț de acces | входная шахта | duleelka laga galo godka/kanaalka | pozo de acceso | вхiдна шахта | cây trục dò nước ngầm | PDXWB | More details | |
9 | Accessory dwelling unit (ADU) | a home on a lot that already contains another home. An ADU is smaller than the original home. | noun | 附属住宅单位 (ADU) | Ew imw non eu neni ian a fen wor imw ie | सहायक आवास इकाई (ADU) | unitate de locuit anexă | второстепенное жилое строение | Dhisme Ku dhex Yaala Guri (ADU) | vivienda secundaria | Додатковий житловий блок (ADU) | Nhà phụ (ADU) | PDXWB | More details | |
10 | account holder | person who is named on a bill. The account holder usually receives the utility service listed on the bill, but in some cases is paying for someone else’s service. | noun | 账户持有人 | Emon mi wor an akoun. | खाता वाहक | titularul contului | владелец счета | qofka leh koontada | Titular de la cuenta | власник рахунку | chủ tài khoản | PDXWB | More details | |
11 | acidic | a term to describe pH, in this case the pH of water. Acidic substances are below 7.0 on the pH scale. Water from the Bull Run River tends to be slightly acidic. | noun | 酸性 | asitik | अम्लीय | acid | кислотный | aashito leh | Ácido | кислий | có tính a-xít | PDXWB | More details | |
12 | Administrative Review Committee | committee that hears customer bill appeals | noun | 行政审查委员会 | Mwichen chon aninis | प्रशासनिक समीक्षा समिति | Comitet Administrativ | Административная комиссия по рассмотрению апелляций | Gudigga Dib U eegista Maamulka | Comité de revisión administrativa | Комітет адміністративного контролю | Ủy ban Xem sét Khiếu nại Hóa đơn | PDXWB | More details | |
13 | Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) | an automatic way of collecting data from water meters. AMI is an integrated system of equipment, communications, and information management systems utilities use to remotely collect customer water usage data in real time. (Definition from the U.S. Department of Energy) | noun | 先进计量基础设施 | Pekin ioni me angei porousan miter | एडभान्स्ड मिटरिङ पूर्वाधार (AMI) | Infrastructura Avansată de Contorizare | передовая измерительная инфраструктура, инфраструктура интеллектуальных счётчиков | Nidaamka Cabirka Kaabeyaasha Casriga ah (AMI) | Infraestructura de medición automática | Розширена інфраструктура вимірювання (AMI) | Hệ thông đo lường nước từ xa (AMI) | PDXWB | More details | |
14 | aerator | gadget to help sink faucets use less water. An aerator brings air into the flow of water so less water is used. | noun | 水龙头加氣省水器 | Aerator | एरेटर | aerator | аэратор | aalada tashiisha biyaha tuubada | Aireador | аератор | Thiết bị sục khí | PDXWB | More details | |
15 | African American Alliance for Homeownership | non-profit organization whose mission is to increase homeownership and stability for African Americans and other underserved individuals | noun | African American Alliance for Homeownership(非裔美国人屋主联盟) | Afrikan Amerikan Allians ren Souimw | अफ्रिकन अमेरिकन अलायन्स अफ होम ओनरसिप | Alianța African-Americană pentru Proprietarii de Locuințe | Афро-американский союз домовладельцев | Isbahaysiga Mulkiileyaasha Guryaha ee Afirkaanka Maraykanka kasoo jeeda | Alianza Afroamericana para la Propiedad de la Vivienda | Афро-американський альянс домоволодіння | Liên minh người Mỹ gốc Phi vì Quyền sở hữu nhà | PDXWB | More details | |
16 | ammonia | a colorless gas that dissolves in water. Water utilities often use ammonia to help make water safe to drink, as ammonia helps chlorine (the main treatment method) stay in water longer. The Water Bureau has used ammonia to help treat water since 1957. | noun | 氨 | Amonia | एमोनिया | amoniac | аммиак, нашатырный спирт | ammonia | Amoníaco | аміак | amoniac | PDXWB | More details | |
17 | application | a form people can fill out to request a program or service | noun | 申请表 | Aplikeison | आवेदन | aplicație | Заявка, заявление | codsiga | Solicitud | додаток | đơn đăng kí | PDXWB | More details | |
18 | aquifer | a underground layer of rock that contains water. In technical terms, a saturated permeable geological formation that stores and transmits water, such as to wells and springs. People generally use the term to describe a rock layer that has enough water for people to use. | noun | 含水层 | Akuifer | पानीको मूल | acvifer | Водоносный слой, водоносная порода | dhagax biyood | Acuífero | водоносний горизонт | mạch nước ngầm | PDXWB | More details | |
19 | AutoPay | an option you can set up to pay your bills automatically | noun | 自动缴费 | Autopei | अटो पे | plată automată | автоплатеж | Nidaamka lacag bixinta otomaatiga ah | Pago automático | Автооплата | Thanh toán Tự động | PDXWB | More details | |
20 | backflow | an unexpected reverse of water flow. Backflow happens when water in a piping system flows opposite of the direction it should. Backflow is a public health concern. | noun | 倒流 | Pusefan | पछाडी बग्ने | reflux | Обратный поток | dib u laabasho | Reflujo | зворотний потік | hiện tượng nước chảy ngược | PDXWB | More details | |
21 | backflow preventer, backflow assembly | a device that prevents backflow. A backflow preventer prevents water from someone’s property from flowing into the public water system. | noun | 回流防止器,回流组件 | Epetin pusefan | पछाडी बग्न रोक्ने, पछाडी बग्न रोक्ने यन्त्र | supapă de reflux | устройство предотвращения противотока | aalada kahortagta dib u laabashada biyaha, celiyaha biyaha laabta | Aparato para prevenir el reflujo/ensamblaje de reflujo | запобіжник зворотного потоку, збірка зворотного потоку | ngăn dòng chảy ngược, hệ thống ngăn dòng chảy ngược | PDXWB | More details | |
22 | bacteria | microscopic single-celled organisms that live almost everywhere, including in water. Some bacteria species can make people sick. | noun | 细菌 | Paikin | ब्याक्टेरिया | bacterii | бактерии | bakteeriya | Bacteria | бактерії | vi khuẩn | PDXWB | More details | |
23 | Base Charge | per day charge for meter reading, billing, collection, and customer service. This charge isn’t related to how much water you used. | noun | 基本费用 | Ukukun meon non eu ran | आधारभूत शुल्क | taxă de administrare | основной, базовый тариф | Qiimaha aasaasiga ah | Cargo mínimo/base | Базовий заряд | Phí cơ bản | PDXWB | More details | |
24 | bathtub | [commonly understood term] | noun | 浴缸 | Tapen tutu | बाथटब | vană | ванная | Tuubada qubayska | Bañera/tina | ванна | bồn tắm | PDXWB | More details | |
25 | Benson Bubbler | type of drinking fountain. A Benson Bubbler has four small fountains on one base. | noun | Benson Bubbler 饮水器 | Benson Bubbler | बेन्सन बबलर | țâșnitoare Benson | Фонтанчик Бенсона | Tuubada cabitaanka ee Benson | Fuente para beber tipo Benson | Бенсон Баблер | loại vòi uống nước chia thành 4 đầu | PDXWB | More details | |
26 | Bill Discount Program | a program you can apply for to get a discount on every sewer/stormwater/water bill. You can apply for the bill discount if you meet income requirements. CONTEXT Residential customers may qualify for the bill discount program Contact PWBCustomerService@portlandoregon.gov or 503-823-7770 | noun | 账单折扣计划 | Toropwen aninis ren kekesino | बिल छुट कार्यक्रम | Programul de Reducere a Facturilor | Программа скидок для коммунальных счетов | Barnaamijyada Qiima Dhimista Biilka | Programa de descuento en la factura | Дисконтна програма | Chương trình giảm giá hóa đơn | PDXWB | More details | |
27 | billion gallons per day (bgd) | unit the Water Bureau uses to track how much water we’re distributing | noun | 每天十亿加仑 (bgd) | pinion kalon eu ran | प्रति दिन बिलियन ग्यालनहरू (bgd) | miliarde de galoane pe zi | число миллиардов галлонов в сутки | Bilyan galaan maalin kasta (bgd) | Un billón de galones por día | мільярд галонів на день (bgd) | hàng tỉ ga lông nước mỗi ngày (bgd) | PDXWB | More details | |
28 | BIPOC | acronym for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (or a variation of this phrase). Only use this term if someone asks you to. The Associated Press says to avoid this term, “which some see as more inclusive by distinguishing the experiences of Black and Indigenous people but others see as less inclusive by diminishing the experiences of everyone else.” | noun | 黑人、原住民及有色人种(BIPOC) | BIPOC | BIPOC | NIPC | сообщество чернокожих, коренных народов и цветных граждан | BIPOC (Dadka madoow, Asaliyiinta iyo dadka aan Cadaanka ahayn) | BIPOC (negros, indígenas, personas de color) | BIPOC (Чорні,корінні, та iншi представники расових меншин ) | từ viết tắt của Da đen, Người bản địa và Người da màu | PDXWB | More details | |
29 | bitter (describing water) | having a sharp, not sweet taste. Raw leafy green vegetables often taste bitter. | adjective | 苦味(形容水) | Nenen mi meras. | तितो (पानीको ब्याख्या) | amar | горькая (вода) | Kharaar (biyo ayaa la qeexayaa) | Amarga | гіркий (опис води) | có mùi/vị đắng | PDXWB | More details | |
30 | boil water | a term used in emergency situations. If we’re asking people to boil water, they should boil their tap water on the stove for at least one minute. | noun | 烧开水 | Kukun konik | पानी उमाल्ने | fierbeți apa | кипятить воду | Biyo la Karshay | Hervir el agua | закип’ятити воду | đun nước | PDXWB | More details | |
31 | Bull Run Closure Area | area that is closed to public entry to protect the Bull Run Watershed and the river water used for Portland’s drinking water supply | noun | Bull Run 不对外开放区域 | Neni mi Kesip ren ewe Bull Run | बुल दौड्ने समापन क्षेत्र | Zona de izolare Bull Run | Закрытая зона Булл-Ран | Furaha Meesha Biyuhu Kaga Daraan Wabiga | Área cerrada de Bull Run | Зона закриття озера Бул Рану | Khu vực cấm vào Bull Run | PDXWB | More details | |
32 | Bull Run Lake | a natural lake in the southeast part of the Bull Run Watershed | noun | Bull Run Lake(Bull Run 湖) | Bull Run Lake | बुल रन ताल | Lacul Bull Run | Озеро Булл-Ран | Meesha Biyuhu kaga daraan Harada | Lago de Bull Run | Озеро Бул Ран | Hồ Bull Run | PDXWB | More details | |
33 | Bull Run River | a natural river in Northwest Oregon. Portland’s primary drinking water source | noun | Bull Run河 | Bull run River | बुल रन खोला | Râul Bull Run | река Булл-Ран | Meesha Biyuhu kaga daraan Wabiga | Río de Bull Run | Річка Бул Ран | Sông Bull Run | PDXWB | More details | |
34 | Bull Run Watershed | the area of land within which all water flows to the Bull Run River | noun | Bull Run流域 | Ew Lake a forita seni nature non pekin efongorun ewe Bull Run Watershed | बुल रन जलाधार | Bazinul de apă Bull Run | Водораздел Булл-Ран | Aaga meesha Biyuhu kaga daraan Wabiga | Cuenca de Bull Run | Вододіл Бул Ран | Lưu vực Bull Run | PDXWB | More details | |
35 | Bull Run Watershed Management Unit (BRWMU) | an administrative boundary established to protect the Bull Run Watershed | noun | Bull Run Watershed Management Unit (Bull Run 流域管理单位,BRWMU) | Mwichen Nemenemen Bull Run Watershed (MRWMU) | बुल रन जलाधार व्यवस्थापन एकाइ (BRWMU) | Unitatea de management a bazinului de apă Bull Run | Блок управления водоснабжением Bull Run (BRWMU) | Waaxda Maamulka Isha Biyaha (BRWMU) | Unidad de administración de la cuenca de Bull Run | Управління вододілом Бул Рану | Ban quản lý đầu nguồn Bull Run (BRWMU) | PDXWB | More details | |
36 | Capital Improvement Project (CIP) | a project that involves new construction, expansion, renovation, or replacement. To be a capital project, the project must have a total cost of at least $10,000. Capital funds can also be used to purchase major equipment, as long as the equipment costs $50,000 or more and has a useful life of at least ten years. | noun | 资本改善项目(CIP) | Capital Improvement Project | क्यापिटल सुधार परियोजना (CIP) | Proiect de Îmbunătățire Capitală | Проект капитального ремонта (CIP) | Mashruuca Kordhinta Dhaqaalaha (CIP) | Proyecto de Mejoras de Capital | Проект капітального вдосконалення (CIP) | Dự án cải thiện vốn (CIP) | PDXWB | More details | |
37 | CCF | a unit for measuring water. CCF stands for Centum Cubic Feet (“Centum” means 100). 1 CCF = 748 gallons. This is the unit we use to measure customers’ water use, and the unit that appears on bills. | noun | CCF (测量水的单位) | CCF | CCF | o suta de picioare cubice | сто кубических футов | CCF | CCF/cien pies cúbicos | Сто Кубічних Футів | Centum Cubic Feet (CCF), đơn vị đo lường nước | PDXWB | More details | |
38 | Celebrating groundwater, Portland’s buried treasure | a phrase the bureau uses to promote a pirate-themed groundwater education event called Aquifer Adventure. At that event, we celebrate the importance of groundwater and use “buried treasure” as a pirate-themed reference to our underground water resources. | adjective | 驰名的地下水,Portland(波特兰)地下宝藏 | Apwawpan chonun non pwun, eu pisek Portland mi pwonuno ika monono | जमीनमुनिको पानीमा गर्व गर्ने, पोर्टल्याण्डको गाडिएको सम्पति | Sărbătorim pânza de apă freatică, comoara îngropată a orașului Portland | В честь подземных вод, скрытых сокровищ Портленда. | U debaal degida biyaha dhulka ku jira, oo ah khayraadka dihin ee Portland | Celebrando las aguas subterráneas, el tesoro escondido/enterrado de Portland | Ушанування підземних вод, захованого скарбу Портленда | Tôn vinh mạch nước ngầm, kho báu bị chôn vùi của Portland | PDXWB | More details | |
39 | chemical | a substance. In water treatment, “chemical” usually refers to a substance that has been artificially made. | noun | 化学药品 | Kemikal | रसायन | chimicale | химическое вещество | kiimikada | Producto químico/sustancia química | хімічний | hóa chất | PDXWB | More details | |
40 | chloramines | a combination of chlorine and a small amount of ammonia. Chloramines have a strong chemical bond and are used to keep people safe from microorganisms that can live in water. Chloramines last longer in the water system than plain chlorine. | noun | 氯胺 | Chloramines | क्लोरामाइन | cloramină | хлорамины | chloramines | Cloraminas | хлораміни | chloramines | PDXWB | More details | |
41 | chlorine | a chemical used to treat water and make it safe for drinking | noun | 氯 | Klorin | क्लोरिन | clor | хлор | koloriin | CLORO | хлор | chlorine | PDXWB | More details | |
42 | City of Portland/”the City” | proper name for the City of Portland/shorthand reference to the City of Portland | noun | City of Portland(波特兰市)/ 「市府」 | City of Portland | पोर्टल्याण्ड शहर/”शहर” | Orașul Portland, Orașul | Портленд/город | Magaalada Portland/”Magaalada” | Ciudad de Portland | Місто Портленд/”Місто” | Thành phố Portland /”Thành phố” | PDXWB | More details | |
43 | city side | the part of an individual building’s water pipe that belongs to the City. This is the part of the water line that goes from the city street to the water meter. | noun | 市属 | Pekin ewe City | शहर छेउ | partea orașului | городская часть | geeska wadada | propiedad de la ciudad | сторона міста | phía thành phố | PDXWB | More details | |
44 | Clean River Rewards | discount program for customers. Customers can get a discount on stormwater charges when they show that they safely keep rain from flowing off their property to public stormwater pipes. | noun | 清洁河流奖励 | Clean River Rewards | सफा खोलाका पुरस्कारहरू | Recompensa Râu Curat | Программа скидок Clean River Rewards | Abaal Marinnada Ka ilaalinta Biyaha inay Jidadka qaadaan | Programa de Recompensa de Ríos Límpios | Нагороди за чисту річку | Giải thưởng Nước Sông sạch | PDXWB | More details | |
45 | Columbia South Shore Well Field | the area of land where Portland’s groundwater wells are located and the administrative boundary established to protect Portland’s groundwater source | noun | Columbia South Shore Well Field(哥伦比亚南岸井田) | Columbia South Shore Well Field | कोलम्बिया दक्षिण किनार वेल फिल्ड | Câmpul de puțuri de pe Malul sudic al Columbiei | Водозабор южного берега Колумбии | Aaga Biyaha Kaydiya ee Columbia South Shore | Campo de pozos Columbia South Shore. | Свердловинне поле південного Колумбійського берега | Sân Giếng Bờ Nam Columbia | PDXWB | More details | |
46 | commercial | describes an account whose main purpose is business | noun | 商业账户 | Sopai | व्यापारिक | comercial | коммерческий (счёт), промышленный, коммерческого/промышленного назначения | Ganacsi | Comercial | комерційний | mang tính thương mại | PDXWB | More details | |
47 | Community Energy Project | non-profit organization offering free home energy repairs and education, to improve health, safety, and energy efficiency | noun | 社区能源项目 | Community Energy Project | सामुदायिक उर्जा परियोजना | Proiectul Comunitar pentru Energie | Community Energy Project (общественная организация, помогающая с ремонтом и экономией электроэнергии) | Mashruuca Tamarta Bulshada | Proyecto de Energía Comunitaria | Енергетичний проект громади | Dự án năng lượng cộng đồng | PDXWB | More details | |
48 | conduit | a large pipe that delivers water over many miles. In our system, conduits deliver water from the sources to reservoirs and tanks. | noun | 导管 | Ew fakkun watten paip a kan uwei konik non chomong mile kena. Non ach ei system, ena watten paip a kan uwei konik seni ewe nenien konik ngeni nenien iseis me tanguk kena. | नाली | conductă | трубопровод, водопроводная труба | Tuubada wayn ee biyaha qaada | Conducto | трубопровід | Đường ống dẫn nước | PDXWB | More details | |
49 | confining layer, confining unit | a groundwater term that describes one of the layers underground. Confining layers are made of relatively fine-grained sediments and have lower permeability than the aquifers they’re next to. | noun | 限制层,限制单元 | Ew kapas usun konik me fanipwuun ina a kan akapasa ew ekkewe chuukun me fanipwuun. | कन्फाइनिङ लेयर, कन्फाइनिङ यूनिट | strat impermeabil, unitate impermeabilă | водоупор, водоупорный слой, ограничивающий слой | lakabka qarsoon, aga qarsoon | Capa/estrato de confinamiento, unidad de confinamiento | обмежуючий шар, утримуюча одиниця | mô tả mạch nước ngầm có các trầm tích hạt tương đối mịn và có độ thấm thấp hơn so với các tầng chứa nước | PDXWB | More details | |
50 | conservation | 保育 | Pekin tumun | संरक्षण | conservare | охрана (природы, ресурсов) | kaydin | Conservación | збереження | sự bảo tồn | PDXWB | More details | |||
51 | conservation devices | gadgets to help your toilet, faucet, and other fixtures use less water | noun | 节水装置 | Pisekin tumun | संरक्षणका यन्त्रहरू | dispozitive de conservare | Устройства для экономии воды | aalada kaydinta | Aparatos para la conservación | зберігаючі пристрої | các thiết bị giúp tiết kiệm tài nguyên | PDXWB | More details | |
52 | conserve | to use less or use cautiously | verb | 节约 | tumunuoch | संरक्षित गर्नुहोस् | a conserva | Сберегать, сохранять | kaydi | Conservar | зберігати | tiết kiệm/bảo tồn | PDXWB | More details | |
53 | consumption | how much water you used | noun | 耗水量 | eaean mettoch | उपभोग | Cryptosporidium | потребление | Isticmaalka | Consumo | споживання | sự tiêu thụ | PDXWB | More details | |
54 | corrosion | the natural process that breaks down metal through oxidation. Can be caused by air, water, and other substances. | noun | 腐蚀 | fita awukukun konik en ka eaea | खिइने | coroziune | коррозия | daxalaysiga biraha | Corrosión | корозія | bị rỉ sét | PDXWB | More details | |
55 | corrosive | having a quality of breaking down metals | noun | 腐蚀性的 | Katanon mecha ren parang | क्षयकारी | coroziv | коррозийный, вызывающий коррозию | Daxal keenaaya | Corrosivo | їдкий | ăn mòn | PDXWB | More details | |
56 | Crisis Voucher | a bill credit you can request if you’re enrolled in our bill discount program and are in a crisis CONTEXT Regardless of your payment history, you might qualify for a bill discount or crisis voucher. | noun | 危机券 | Crisis Voucher | संकट भौचर | Bon de Criză | Кризисные ваучеры | Boonada Marka Dhibaato dhacdo | Vales de crisis | Кризовий ваучер | Trợ cấp khủng hoảng | PDXWB | More details | |
57 | Cryptosporidium | microorganism that can live in water. Cryptosporidium is resistant to chlorine treatment and can cause serious intestinal illness. | noun | 隐孢子虫 | Cryptosporidium | क्रिप्टोसपोरिडियम | Cryptosporidium | криптоспоридия | Cryptosporidium | Criptosporidio | Криптоспоридії | vi khuẩn Cryptosporidium gây tiêu chảy cấp | PDXWB | More details | |
58 | curbstop, city side water shut off | water control valve on the City’s side of the water line, near the water meter. This allows the City to control a customer’s access to water. | noun | 路边停车,城市侧边水源开关 | Curbstop, an city penien awukanon konik | कर्बस्टप, सहर छेउको पानी बन्द छ | branșament, robinet de închidere a alimentării cu apă din partea orașului | Клапан управления водой со стороны города | xarunta biyaha laga xiro, barta biyaha magaalada laga xiro | Acera, llave de paso de agua en la propiedad de la ciudad | зупинка, міська вода перекрита | van khóa nước lề đường thành phố | PDXWB | More details | |
59 | curtailment | a time when the City needs the community to use less water. Curtailment is temporary is usually related to emergencies. | noun | 限水 | Kekisno me aukatiw | कटौती | limitarea furnizării de apă | сокращение (потребления воды) | Yaraynta isticmaalka biyaha | Reducción | зменшення використання | sự cắt giảm | PDXWB | More details | |
60 | Customer Self-Service | website where you can pay your bill and set up online billing options | noun | 客户自助服务 | Customer Self-Service | ग्राहक स्वयं सेवा | Auto-servicii clienți | Самообслуживание клиента | Adeegga Daryeelka Macmiilka | Auto servicio del cliente | Самообслуговування клієнтів | Dịch vụ Khách hàng Tự thanh toán | PDXWB | More details | |
61 | Customer Service | staff who can help you with your account | noun | 客户服务 | Sou Aninis | ग्राहक सेवा | Servicii clienți | Отдел работы с клиентами, центр обслуживания клиентов | Adeegga Macaamiisha | Servicio de atención al cliente | Обслуговування клієнтів | Dịch vụ khách hàng | PDXWB | More details | |
62 | cutthroat trout | a specific species of trout. Found in Bull Run. | noun | 割喉鳟鱼 | cutthroat trout | कटथ्रोट ट्राउट | păstrăvul cutthroat | красногорлый лосось, форель-головорез | cutthroat trout | Trucha cutthroat | форель головоріз | cá hồi cutthroat | PDXWB | More details | |
63 | dam | a large physical barrier that blocks the flow of a river, storing water behind it | noun | 水坝 | tangik, tit | बाँध | baraj | плотина, дамба | biyo xireen | Presa | дамба | cái đập/con đê | PDXWB | More details | |
64 | discolored water | water that is dirty or cloudy, not clear | noun | 污染水 | Konik a kan nimengaw ika ochouuchou, ese faat | फीका पानी | apă tulbure | загрязнённая/мутная вода | biyo midab doorsoomay | Agua descolorida | знебарвлена вода | nước đục | PDXWB | More details | |
65 | Dispatch | staff at the Water Bureau who respond to urgent maintenance requests. Dispatch staff also make sure maintenance staff have the information they need about a maintenance need. | noun | 工作人员 | Chon angang non ewe Water Bureau ra kan ponu ngeni atepwanepwanen tungoren fofor. | प्रेषण | Dispecerat | диспетчерская служба | Shaqaale diris | Despachar | Диспетчер | nhân viên nhà máy nước | PDXWB | More details | |
66 | distribution area | the area where the Water Bureau supplies water | noun | 供水区域 | Ewe neni ewe Water Bureau a kan awora konik. | वितरण क्षेत्र | zonă de distribuție | район/зона водоснабжения | aaga qaybinta | Área de distribución | район поширення | khu vực phân phối nước | PDXWB | More details | |
67 | distribution system | pipes and facilities that deliver water throughout the city | noun | 配水系统 | paip me neni kena ra ka uwawow konik non unusen ewe city | वितरण प्रणाली | sistem de distribuție | распределительная система, водораспределительная система | nidaamka qaybinta | Sistema de distribución | система розподілу | Hệ thống phân phối | PDXWB | More details | |
68 | divide (when talking about watersheds) | the high point on land that divides one watershed or drainage from another | noun | 分水岭(与流域相关) | Kinikini (nupwen kapas usun watersheds) ewe tekian won fonu a kan kinikini ew watershed ika akuusuno seni pwan ew. | विभाजन (जल -विभाजकबारे कुराकानी गर्दा) | cumpăna apelor (vorbind despre bazine hidrografice) | граница, водораздел | qaybin (marka laga hadlaayo ilaha biyaha) | División | подiл (мати на увазі вододіли) | phân chia (khi nói về lưu vực) | PDXWB | More details | |
69 | Does the rain that runs off your roof safely soak into the ground on your property instead of going into the City’s sewer system? | from the Bureau of Environmental Services’ stormwater discount program. People can get a discount on their bills if they adapt their property so that the water that runs off their roofs and sidewalks soaks into the ground. The customer has to do this in a way that won’t cause problems (such as a landslide). | noun | 从屋顶流下的雨水是否安全地渗入房产的地下,而不是进入城市的下水道系统? | Met ewe wut ika ran e etiw seni osun imom iwe a tikitiw ne pwunun neniom we, nge ese fen tonong me etiw non ewe City’s sewer system? | के तपाईंको छतमा बग्ने वर्षाको पानी सहरको नाली प्रणालीमा जानुको सट्टा तपाईंको जमिनको भुइँमा सुरक्षित तरिकाले जान्छ? | Sigur apa care se scurge de pe acoperișul dumneavoastră se infiltreaza în pământ pe proprietatea dumnevoastră în loc să intre în sistemul de canalizare al orașului? | Просачивается ли дождь, стекающий с вашей крыши, безопасно в землю на территории вашей собственности, вместо того, чтобы идти в канализационную систему города? | Biyaha roobka ee kasoo daata sqafka gurigaaga si amaan ah ma u liqaa dhulka gurigaagu halkii ay ka geli lahaayeen nidaamka bulaacada qaada ee Magaalada? | ¿El agua de lluvia que escurre por su techo se filtra de forma segura en el suelo de su propiedad en lugar de entrar en el sistema de alcantarillado de la ciudad? | Чи дощ, який стікає з вашого даху, безпечно вбирається в землю на вашій території, а не потрапляє в міську каналізаційну систему? | Mưa rơi từ mái nhà của bạn có ngấm xuống đất một cách an toàn trong phạm vi nhà của bạn thay vì đi vào hệ thống cống rãnh của Thành phố không? | PDXWB | More details | |
70 | door hanger | a small paper notice or sign that fits onto a door handle or door knob. Utilities use these to let people know about maintenance work or water system emergencies. | noun | 门把标志告示 | Echo taropwen arongorong a kan fitingeni amwochun asam kena. | डोर ह्याङ्गर | afiș pentru ușă | листовки на дверные ручки | ogaysiiska lagu dhajiyo albaabka | Aviso para colgar en la puerta | дверна вішалка | giấy thông báo treo ở cửa | PDXWB | More details | |
71 | drain | a pipe that carries out used or extra water | noun | 排水管 | paip | निकास नली | scurgere | водоотвод, сток | daadka | Desagüe | злив | cống nước | PDXWB | More details | |
72 | drawdown | a period of time in which the level of water in the reservoirs is gradually dropping. In Portland, drawdown usually starts in early summer and ends in late fall. See “refill” for the period of time in which water levels rise in the fall or winter. | noun | 水位下降 | Feitiw | ड्रनडाउन | coborîrea nivelului apei | понижение уровня воды (в водохранилище) | mudada biyuhu hoos u dhacayaan | Periodo de reducción de niveles | просадка | hiện tượng nước bị cạn dần | PDXWB | More details | |
73 | drinking water | water that is safe to use for drinking, cooking, and other household purposes. Also called potable water. | noun | 饮用水 | Konikin uun | खानेपानी | apă potabilă | питьевая вода | biyaha la cabbo | agua potable | Питна вода | nước uống | PDXWB | More details | |
74 | drip irrigation | an efficient watering method that allows water to drip slowly to plants and roots | noun | 滴灌 | Ew sakkun achonu ina a kan mut ngeni ewe konik epwe mang ne nuuch ngeni fiter me warer kena. | ड्रिप सिँचाइ | irigare prin picurare | капельное орошение | dhibcaha tuubooyinka waraabiya beeraha | Riego por goteo | крапельне зрошення | tưới nhỏ giọt | PDXWB | More details | |
75 | drought | a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall or precipitation. A drought may lead to a shortage of water. | noun | 干旱 | Fansoun pwas | सुख्खा | secetă | засуха | abaarta | Sequía | посуха | hạn hán | PDXWB | More details | |
76 | earthquake-resilient | describes something that will work even after an earthquake. At the Water Bureau, this refers to a pipe or other water infrastructure, like a reservoir or building, that can withstand movement of the surrounding soils. Earthquake-resilient infrastructure either moves with the soil without breaking or allows the soil to move around the pipe. | noun | 抗震 | Mi Pochokun ngeni chechen fonu | भुकम्प प्रतिरोधक | rezistent la cutremur | сейсмоустойчивый | iska difaacida dhul-gariirka | Resistente a los terremotos | сейсостійкий | chịu được động đất | PDXWB | More details | |
77 | easement | a section of land where someone who does not own that land has a legal right to use it. The Water Bureau has easements on other people’s land where we need to maintain pipes and other water infrastructure. | noun | 地役权 | Ew pekin ew fonu ikewe emon esapw aan ewe fonu a kan wor an pung seni annuk pwe epwe eaeani. | भोगाधिकार | servitute | сервитут, ограничение права собственности | dhulka guud | Derecho de paso | сервітут | quyền giải tỏa | PDXWB | More details | |
78 | ecosystem | a collection of plants, animals, and other living things within their environment. More technically, a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. | noun | 生态系统 | Ew ionin fengenin ira kena, maan kena, me pwan ekkoch mettoch mi menaw me non ewe nenien nonom. | पर्यावरण | ecosistem | экосистема, среда обитания | nidaamka noolaha | Ecosistema | екосистема | hệ sinh thái | PDXWB | More details | |
79 | elevation | height above sea level, or a height above a different given level | noun | 海拔高度 | Tekian | उचाई | elevație | возвышенность | kor u kaca | Elevación | висота | độ cao | PDXWB | More details | |
80 | emergency preparedness | being ready for an emergency. Emergency preparedness usually means having food, water, and plans ready for if an emergency happens. | noun | 应急准备 | Moneta ren atepwanepwan | आपतकालीन तत्परता | pregătire pentru situații de urgență | готовность к чрезвычайным/аварийным ситуациям | u diyaar garoowga xaalada degdega ah | Preparación para emergencias | готовності до надзвичайних ситуацій | sự chuẩn bị trong trường hợp khẩn cấp | PDXWB | More details | |
81 | emergency water curtailment | a situation where the Water Bureau needs everyone to use much less water. Under emergency curtailment, people should only use water if they need it for health or safety. | noun | 紧急节约用水 | Ewe sakkun ikewe ewe Water Bureau a mochen pwe meinisin repwe eaea kisinon konik. | आपतकालीन पानी संक्षेप | limitarea furnizării apei în situații de urgență | Аварийное сокращение потребления воды | yaraynta isticmaalka biyaha muddo kooban | Reducción de uso/consumo de agua de emergencia | аварійне припинення водопостачання | cắt nước khẩn cấp | PDXWB | More details | |
82 | enroll | start using a service | verb | 注册 | Poputa ne eaea ew aninis | नामाङ्कन | înscriere | Записываться, зарегистрироваться | diiwaan gelin | Registrarse | зареєструватися | tham gia | PDXWB | More details | |
83 | environment | the natural world as a whole, or in a particular area | noun | 环境 | Non unusen neniach | वातावरण | mediu | окружающая среда | bii’o | Medio ambiente | середовище | môi trường | PDXWB | More details | |
84 | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | federal agency that does environmental research and education, and enforces environmental laws | noun | 环境保护署 (EPA) | Ewe Ofes seni muunnap a kan fori kekaeo me asukun me pwan apechakuna annukun neniach (EPA) | वातावरणीय सुरक्षा निकाय (EPA) | Agenția pentru Protecția Mediului | Агентство по охране окружающей среды | Wakaalada Difaac bii’o (EPA) | Agencia de protección medioambiental | Агентство з охорони навколишнього середовища (EPA) | Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường (EPA) | PDXWB | More details | |
85 | equity | Equity is achieved when one’s identity cannot predict the outcome. | noun | 公平 | Anonopoku | समता | echitate | sinaan | Equidad | справедливість | Công bằng | PDXWB | More details | ||
86 | estimated bill | Usage on bill estimated using historical usage or average usage by property type | noun | 预估账单 | Awukukun momon eaea | अनुमानित बिल | factura estimată | примерный/сметный счет | qiyaasta biilka | Factura estimada | кошторисний рахунок | hóa đơn ước tính | PDXWB | More details | |
87 | faucet | a fixture you use to get water from a pipe. You have faucets for your sinks and bathtub. Also known as a tap. | noun | 水龙头 | Awan paip | धारा | robinet | водопроводный кран, смеситель | qasabada biyaha | Grifo | кран | vòi nước | PDXWB | More details | |
88 | faucet screen | part of most faucets that prevents debris from coming out of the pipes. You can usually take off the screen to clean it. | noun | 水龙头滤网 | Moromoran paip | फकेट-स्क्रिन | filtru de robinet | прокладка для смесителя с сеточкой | miiraha qasabada biyaha | Pantalla del grifo | прокладка-сiтка для крана | lưới lọc ở đầu ống | PDXWB | More details | |
89 | fill cycle diverter | water-saving device you can install in your toilet tank. The diverter sends more water to the tank and less to the toilet bowl when you flush. | noun | 填充循环分流器 | fill cycle diverter | फिल साइकल डाभर्टर | mecanism ciclu de umplere | дивертер цикла заполнения | nidaamka musqusha ee biyaha tashiila | Desviador de ciclo de llenado | перемикач циклу заповнення | vật dụng tiết kiệm nước cho bồn cầu | PDXWB | More details | |
90 | filtration | a way of treating water to make it safer to drink. Filtration usually means removing particles and microorganisms from the water. | noun | 过滤 | Moromor | फिल्टरेशन | filtrare | фильтрация | miire/sifeeye | Filtración | фільтрація | Sự lọc | PDXWB | More details | |
91 | Financial Assistance Program | a City of Portland program people can apply for to receive discounts and vouchers for the sewer/stormwater/water bill | noun | 财务援助计划 | Prokramin Aninisin Moni | वित्तिय सहायता कार्यक्रम | Programul de asistență financiară | Программа финансовой поддержки | Barnaamijyada Caawimaada Dhaqaalaha | Programa de asistencia económica | Програма фінансової допомоги | Chương trình hỗ trợ tài chính | PDXWB | More details | |
92 | fireline | pipe that supplies a building’s fire sprinklers. Large buildings usually have a separate fireline. | noun | 消防水管 | fireline | फायरलाइन | conducte de apă pentru aspersoare de incendiu | пожарная линия, пожарно-контрольная полоса | nidaamka dabdamiska | Tuberías antiincendios | пожежна лінія | đường dây cứu hỏa | PDXWB | More details | |
93 | fixture | faucet, toilet, showerhead, or anything else that connects to the water pipes in a building to deliver water | noun | 固件 | pisekin non imwen tutu me nenien kuk | फिक्स्चर | accesorii | арматура, прибор | tuubooyinka biyaha laga shubto | Dispositivo | гарнітура | hệ thống | PDXWB | More details | |
94 | flood | when water does not or cannot drain as quickly as it collects. A flood can be caused by rain, broken pipes, or poor drainage. | noun | 洪水 | puu | बाढी | inundație | потоп, наводнение | daadka roobka | Inundación | повінь | lụt | PDXWB | More details | |
95 | flooding | When water does not or cannot drain as quickly as it collects. Usually used when high water threatens people’s safety or property | noun | 泛水 | puu | बाढी आउने | inundare | затопление, подтопление, наводнение | daadka biyaha | Inundado/inundar | затоплення | lũ lụt | PDXWB | More details | |
96 | flush hot water tank | instructions you might hear. This means to open the valve on your hot water tank to clear out debris or metals that can collect at the bottom. | noun | 冲洗热水箱 | Suuki ewe valve won eomuwe tangukun konik mi pwich ren an epwe nimetawow | तातो पानीको ट्याङ्क फ्लश गर्नुहोस् | goliți rezervorul de apă caldă | промыть бак для горячей воды | sifee haanta biyaha kulul | Descargar el tanque de agua caliente | промийте бак гарячої води | xả bồn nước nóng | PDXWB | More details | |
97 | flush your water | instructions you might hear. This means to let water flow from your faucet until fresh water comes in. You usually want to run the water long enough to move out older water and bring fresh water from the mains in the street. You should run the water until it’s colder, or, if it has been dirty, until the water is clear. | noun | 让您的水流出冲洗 | Akuusu konik seni eomuwe faucet tori nimeochun konik a kuusunong. | आफ्नो पानी फ्लश गर्नुहोस् | goliți apa statută | дайте воде стечь, дать воде стечь | sifee biyahaaga | Descargar el agua | змийте воду | xả nước | PDXWB | More details | |
98 | flushing | running water through pipes to let old water out and bring fresh water in. Flushing can be done by the Water Bureau (often using a hydrant) or you (such as at a home faucet). | noun | 冲洗 | Akuusawow konik non ewe paip an epwe nimetawow konik mi nimengaw. | फ्लश गर्ने | golire | промывка труб | sifayn | Descargar | промивання | xả nước để rửa ống nước | PDXWB | More details | |
99 | forest | an area of land that’s mainly trees | noun | 森林 | Neni kena ra kan chok unusen ira chok | जङ्गल | pădure | лес, лесонасаждение, лесной массив | kaynta | Bosque | ліс | rừng | PDXWB | More details | |
100 | foundation | the base or support for something. The City often uses this term to describe a concrete pad that a tank or other equipment is fastened to so that it doesn’t shift or move. | noun | 基础 | Popunapen ew mettoch. | जग | fundație | Основание, фундамент | Aasaaska | Cimientos | фундамент | nền tảng | PDXWB | More details | |
101 | from forest to faucet | tagline to remind people that most of Portland’s drinking water comes from the forest | noun | 从森林运到水龙头 | Ew kapasen achechemeni ngeni chon Portland pwe chonun wuun kena ra etto seni ewe neni kena ra kan chok unusen ira chok. | जङ्गलदेखि धारासम्म | din pădure la robinet | из леса в кран | biyaha k yimaada kaynta ee qasabadaha laga cabo | Del bosque al grifo | від лісу до крана | từ rừng đến vòi nước | PDXWB | More details | |
102 | fruity | having a sweet, fruit-like taste or odor | noun | 水果味 | A kan angei ew ngaren, nenaren foun ochoechen ira ia pwoon | फलफूलको स्वाद | gust de fruct | фруктовый | miro leh | De fruta | фруктовий | có mùi/vị trái cây | PDXWB | More details | |
103 | gallons per minute (gpm) | a way of measuring water use. This measurement usually applies to amounts of water you would use at home or at work. For example, a showerhead’s water use is measured in gallons per minute. | noun | 每分钟加仑数 | Kalon non ew minich (gpm) | प्रति मिनेट ग्यालनहरू (gpm) | galoane pe minut | количество галлонов в минуту (GPM) | galaan daqiiqadiiba | Galones por minuto | галони на хвилину (gpm) | ga lông mỗi phút (gpm) | PDXWB | More details | |
104 | gallons per person per day | a way of measuring how much water each person uses. The average Portlander uses 46 gallons per day at home. | noun | 每人每天加仑数 | Kalon ren emon aramas non ew ran | प्रति दिन प्रति व्यक्ति ग्यालनहरू | galoane pe persoană pe zi | Галлонов на человека в день | cadadka gaalannada maalin kasta uu isticmaalo qof kasta | Galones por persona por día | галонів на людину на добу | ga lông mỗi ngày | PDXWB | More details | |
105 | geotechnical investigation | digging or drilling into the ground to learn more about the type and behavior of soil below | noun | 岩土调查 | Sakkun me napenapene pwuun me fan | भूप्राविधिक अनुसन्धान | investigație geotehnică | Геотехническое исследование | baaritaanka nooca ciida | Investigación geotécnica | геотехнічні дослідження | điều tra địa kỹ thuật | PDXWB | More details | |
106 | glacial melt | water that flows from a melting glacier | noun | 冰川融化 | Konik a kan choen seni ew glacier a teonuno. | हिउँ पग्लेनी | apă din topirea ghețarului | талая ледниковая вода | biyaha barafka dhalaalay | Deshielo de glaciar | танення льодовиків | băng đá tan | PDXWB | More details | |
107 | glacial till, glacial flour | sediment that came from a glacier. When glacial till is in water, the water looks cloudy or opaque. | noun | 冰川沉积物, 冰川岩粉 | Mettoch ra feito seni glacier. | ग्लेसियल टिल, ग्लेसियल फ्लोर | sediment glaciar, făină glaciară | ледниковый тилль, ледниковые отложения, ледниковый дрейф | midabka daruurta, sagxada barafka | Raspado glaciar, suelo de glaciar | льодовикова волунна глина, льодовикове борошно | trầm tích trong băng đá | PDXWB | More details | |
108 | grassy (describing water) | having an herby or grass-like taste or odor | noun | (指水)有草味 | Angeiin ew nenen herb ika fetin ika pwon | घाँसे (पानीको सम्बन्धमा व्याख्या) | ierbos | с привкусом травы, травянистый | midab caws leh (biyo ayaa la qeexayaa) | Con sabor u olor a hierba | трав’яниста (опис води) | có vị cỏ | PDXWB | More details | |
109 | green street | a street that has planters alongside it to capture rain running off the pavement. The planters allow the water to soak into the ground as soil and plants filter out pollutants. Green streets reduce the amount of stormwater that flows into the sewer system and local streams, replenish groundwater supplies, and create urban green spaces. | noun | 绿化街道 | Efoch an kena a kan wor ekkena nenien fotun ira pwe repwe angei chonun wuut ra choenuno seni ewe asarito. | हरियाली सडक | stradă verde | зеленая улица | wado cagaaran | Calle verde | зелена вулиця | con đường xanh | PDXWB | More details | |
110 | Green Street Steward | a volunteer who takes care of a green street planter | noun | 绿化街道志愿者 | Emon chon volentier ren an epwe tumunu ekkewe nenien fotun ira. | ग्रिन स्ट्रिट स्टेवार्ड | Voluntar pentru o Stradă Verde | Волонтер по уходу за городскими растениями | Qofka Ilaaliya Geedaha wadada ka baxa | Administrador/voluntario de una jardinera en la calle | Стюард Зеленої вулиці | người tình nguyện viên giữ gìn các bồn hoa công cộng | PDXWB | More details | |
111 | greenbucks | Donation you can add when you pay your bill. Greenbucks donations fund projects at Portland Public Schools that help naturally manage or control stormwater runoff. | noun | 绿币 | Fes kopwene ka apechangeni eom moni eomuwe momo | ग्रिनबकहरू | bani verzi | Greenbucks (пожертвование, которое можно сделать при оплате счета) | geedah geesaha biyo mareenka | Greenbucks (dinero verde) | зелені бакси | tiền ủng hộ cho các trường công ở Portland,gom góp khi trả hoá đơn nước | PDXWB | More details | |
112 | groundwater | water that is naturally underground, usually within layers of rocky material. People can access groundwater through natural springs or by digging wells. | noun | 地下水 | Konik kena ra kan chok seni me fanupwuun | जमिन मुनिको पानी | apă freatică | грунтовая/подземная вода | biyaha dhulka hoostiisa | Agua subterránea | підземні води | nước ngầm | PDXWB | More details | |
113 | Groundwater Protection Program | program to protect public groundwater from chemicals and other contaminants | noun | 地下水维护计划 | Programen tumunun konik kena ra kan chok seni me fanupwuun | जमिन मुनिको पानी सुरक्षा कार्यक्रम | Program de Protecție a Apei Freatice | Программа защиты грунтовых вод | Barnaamijka Ilaalinta Biyaha Dhulka Hoostiisa | Programa de protección de aguas subterráneas | Програма охорони підземних вод | Chương trình bảo vệ nước ngầm | PDXWB | More details | |
114 | handheld showerhead | type of showerhead you can hold in your hand to move around | noun | 手持淋浴花洒 | Sakkun showerhead en ka kan amwochu | हातले समात्ने शावरहेड | cap de duș detașabil | душ со шлангом | tuubada qubayska ee gacanta lagu hayo | Ducha de mano | ручний душ | vòi hoa sen cầm tay | PDXWB | More details | |
115 | Headworks (drinking water) | the place where drinking water enters the pipes of a drinking water system. In Portland, Headworks is where the Bull Run River enters pipes to head toward the city. | noun | 头件(饮用水) | Ewe neni ikewe koniken wuun ra kan tonong non ekkewe paip (koniken wuun) | पानीको मुहानबाट पाइपमा प्रवेश गर्ने स्थान (खानेपानी) | Filtrare(canalizare) | Головное сооружение на водотоке | meesha biyuhu ka galaan tuubada (biyaha la cabbo) | Principio de la línea (agua potable) | Початок роздачі (питна вода) | nơi nước đi vào hệ thống nước uống | PDXWB | More details | |
116 | Headworks (sewer) | the first stop in the sewage treatment process, where trash and debris are removed | noun | 头件(污水处理 ) | Ewe aewin kawuunon foforun tumunun kapich, ikewe kapich me mettoch kena ra kan katowow (kapichin non imw) | ढल/ नाली प्रशोधन केन्द्रमा प्रवेश गर्ने स्थान | sitare ( canalizare) | Головное сооружение | meesha biyuhu a ka galaan tuubada (bulaacada) | Principio de la línea (alcantarillado) | Початковий пункт очистки (каналізація) | Trụ đầu (cống) | PDXWB | More details | |
117 | historic | being important to history | noun | 历史;历史性;具历史意义的 | Namot ngeni uruwo | ऐतिहासिक | istoric | исторический, за прошедший период | taariikhi ah | Histórico/antiguo | історичний | mang tính lịch sử | PDXWB | More details | |
118 | history | study of past events | noun | 历史 | Kaeon fofor kena me mwan kewe. | इतिहास | istorie | история, события прошлого | taariikhda | Historia | історія | lịch sử | PDXWB | More details | |
119 | home water audit | process people can follow at home to figure out their own water use patterns | noun | 家庭用水审计 | Fofor kena aramas ra kan tongeni tapwei non imwer ren ar repwe sinei ar pusin napenapen eaean konik kena | गृह पानीको लेखा परीक्षण | audit al apei casnice | проверка использования воды в доме | qiimaynta biyaha guriga | Auditoría del agua del hogar | перевірка води будинку | kiểm toán nước gia đình | PDXWB | More details | |
120 | homeowner | person who owns a home | noun | 房主 | Aramas a imweni ewe imw | घरमालिक | proprietar | домовладелец | mulkiilaha guriga | Dueño de casa | домовласник | chủ nhà | PDXWB | More details | |
121 | hydrant | a fixture connected to the water main which allows quick access to large volumes of water, typically for firefighting or water system operations | noun | 消火栓 | Ew pisekin paip a kan pach ngeni ew napen paipen konik ina a kan mutngeni mutirin atoto ngeni watten awukukun konik, a kan sakkun chok ren fiu ngeni eef ika foforun systemin konik kena | हाइड्रेन्ट | hidrant | гидрант, водоразборная колонка | tuubada biyaha | Boca de agua | гідрант | vòi nước lớn dùng để chữa cháy | PDXWB | More details | |
122 | hydrant flushing | intentionally running water from a hydrant. Standard practice done by all water utilities to move water through the pipes | noun | 消火栓冲洗 | Akuusuwowun konik seni ew hydrant. Iteitan fofor a kan fis seni meinisin nenien konik kena ren ar repwe uwawow konik seni ewe paip. | हाइड्रेन्ट फ्लशिङ | golire hidrant | Промывка гидранта | sifaynta tuubada biyaha | Paso de agua por la boca de agua | промивання гідрантів | xả vòi nước lớn | PDXWB | More details | |
123 | hydroelectricity, hydropower | electricity generated by the movement of water | noun | 水力电气,水力发电 | Fifi a kan fis seni mokutukutun konik | जलविद्युत, हाइड्रोपावर | hidroelectricitate, hidroenergie | гидроэлектричество, гидроэнергия | korontda biyaha, tamarta biyaha | Energía hidráulica, hidroelectricidad | гідроелектроенергія, гідроєнергетика | thủy điện, năng lượng từ nước | PDXWB | More details | |
124 | If so, you could receive a discount on your water/sewer bill by signing up for Clean River Rewards | wording from our stormwater discount program | phrase | 如果是这样,您可以通过注册清洁河流奖励(Clean River Rewards)获得水费/排污费折扣 | Ika ina, en kopwene kan ange ew akisinon momon won eomuwe konik/kapich seni eom sainita ren Awinin Nimoeochun Pupu kena | त्यसो हो भने, तपाईं सफा खोलाका पुरस्कारहरूका लागि साइन अप गरेर आफ्नो पानी/नालीमा छुट प्राप्त गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ | În acest caz, puteți primi o reducere la factura de apă/ canalizare dacă vă înscrieți la Recompense pentru un Râu Curat | Если да, то вы могли бы получить скидку в оплате счета за воду/канализацию, подписавшись на нашу программу Clean River Rewards | Hadday saas tahay, waxaad heli kartaa qiimo dhimis ku aadan biilka biyahaaga/bulaacada adoo iska diiwaan gelinaaya Abaal Marinnada Ka ilaalinta Biyaha inay Jidadka qaadaan | Si es así, podría recibir un descuento en su factura del agua/alcantarillado al registrarse para Clean River Rewards | Якщо так, ви можете отримати знижку на рахунок за воду та каналізацію, зареєструвавшись у програмі “Премія Чистої річки” | Nếu vậy, bạn có thể nhận được sự giãm giá cho hóa đơn nước / cống bằng cách đăng ký Phần thưởng Sông sạch | PDXWB | More details | |
125 | impermeable/impervious (relating to groundwater) | rock or sediment that does not allow water to pass through | noun | 不透水/不透水(与地下水有关) | Faw ika mettoch kena rese kan mutngeni konik an epwe kuusuwow (a kan fofor ngeni konik me fanipwuun) | अप्रवेश्य/अप्रवेशनीय (ग्राउण्टवाटरसँग सम्बन्धित) | impermeabil (cu privire la pânza de apă freatică) | водонепроницаемый, водоупорный, неабсорбирующий | jidgooyada/biyo xiraha (la xariira biyaha dhulka hoostiisa) | Impermeable (en relación con el agua subterránea) | непроникний (стосується підземних вод) | không thấm / không thấm qua được (liên quan đến nước ngầm) | PDXWB | More details | |
126 | impermeable/impervious (relating to pavement) | surface that does not allow water to pass through (such as concrete) | adjective | 不透水/不透水(与路面有关) | Neni kena rese kan mutngeni konik an ewe kuusuwow (a kan fofor ngeni konik me simenit) | अप्रवेश्य/अप्रवेशनीय (फुटपाथसँग सम्बन्धित) | impermeabil (cu privire la caldarâm) | непроницаемый, непромокаемый | jidgooyada/biyo xiraha (la xariira meel dhulka korkiisa ah) | Impermeable (en relación con el pavimento) | незламний (стосується тротуару) | không thấm / không thấm qua được (liên quan đến nền xi măng) | PDXWB | More details | |
127 | Indigenous peoples | distinct social or cultural groups of people that share collective ancestral ties to the lands and natural resources where they live, that they occupy, or from which they have been displaced | noun | 原住民 | Aramas kena ra kan nonom ikei seni noem | आदिवासी | națiuni indigene | Коренное население, коренные народы | Dadka asaliyiinta ah | Pueblos indígenas | Корінні народи | Những người bản địa | PDXWB | More details | |
128 | irrigation | outdoor watering of plants | noun | 灌溉 | Achonun ira me nukun | सिँचाइ | irigare | орошение, полив | beeraha | Riego | зрошення | thủy lợi | PDXWB | More details | |
129 | irrigation controller | device to operate automatic outdoor watering systems | noun | 灌溉控制器 | Pisekin repwe eaea ren ew systemin achonun me nukun | सिँचाइ नियन्त्रक | sistem automat de de irigare | регулятор подачи воды при орошении | xakameeyaha beeraha | Controles de riego | контролер зрошення | thiết bị tưới cây tự động | PDXWB | More details | |
130 | lake | [commonly understood term] | noun | 湖泊 | Lead ika pinomw | ताल | lac | озеро | harada | Lago | озеро | hồ | PDXWB | More details | |
131 | landscape (relating to water and stormwater) | outdoor area with grass, plants, trees, or rocks. Does not include driveways, sidewalks, or parking lots. | noun | 景观(与水和雨水有关) | Neni kena me nukun fiti fatin, afot kena, ira kena, ika faw. Ese kan pachenong driveways, sidewalk kena, ika nenien park | ल्याण्डस्केप (पानी र आँधीको पानीसँग सम्बन्धित) | mediu ( cu privire la apă și ape pluviale) | ландшафт | daadaga (la xariira biyaha iyo daadka roobka) | Paisaje | ландшафт (що стосується води та зливових вод) | cảnh quan (liên quan đến nước và nước mưa) | PDXWB | More details | |
132 | landslide | movement of soil, rock, or earth down a slope | noun | 山体滑坡 | Pworetiwen pwuun, faw, ika fonu seni ew chuukun. | पहिरो | alunecare de teren | оползень | dhul go’ay | Deslave | зсув | lở đất | PDXWB | More details | |
133 | late fee | charge added to your bill if you don’t pay on time | noun | 滞纳金 | Momo kena ra kan apechangeni eomuwe momo ika pwe en ka kan mang ne moni | ढिला शुल्क | penalitate pentru întârziere | пеня/штраф за просрочку платежа | qarashka ganaaxa so daahida | Cargo por retraso | плата за прострочення | phí trễ hạn | PDXWB | More details | |
134 | lead | naturally occurring heavy metal that can harm human health | noun | 铅 | Lead ika pinomw | लिड | plumb | свинец | maarta | Plomo | свинець | chì | PDXWB | More details | |
135 | lead in water | lead in drinking water. Some drinking water naturally contains lead. Plumbing materials can also add it to the water. In Portland, lead in water comes from building plumbing. | noun | 水中含铅 | Lech non konikin wuun. Ekkoch konikin wuun ra kan chok fis seni nature ra kan masow ren lech. Mettochun paip kena ra kan pwan apechangeni ewe konik. | पानीमा लिड | plumb în apă | содержание свинца в воде | maar ku jirta biyaha | Plomo en el agua | свинець у воді | chì trong nước | PDXWB | More details | |
136 | leak | water dripping from pipes or running from fixtures when it shouldn’t | noun | 渗漏 | Konik a kan nechuwow seni paip | चुहावट | scurgere | утечка, протечка, течь, водотечь | biyo dilaac | Fuga | витік | rỉ nước | PDXWB | More details | |
137 | leak adjustment | money credited to your bill after you show that you fixed a leak | noun | 渗漏账单调整 | Moni a kan eimuseni eomuwe momo murin eom pwarano pwe en ka kan fori ew nechun. | चुहावट समायोजन | ajustare de scurgere | Корректировка счета после устранения утечки | magdhawga dilaaca biyaha | Crédito por reparación de fuga | регулювання витоку | thay đổi số lượng trong hoá đơn sau khi rò rỉ được sửa chữa | PDXWB | More details | |
138 | leak detection tablets | dye tablets you can use to test if your toilet has a leak | noun | 泄漏检测片 | Ekkoch foun safei kopwe kan eaea ne cheki ika a wor ew nechun eomuwe toilet. | चुहावट पत्ता लगाउने ट्याबलेटहरू | tableta pentru detectare scurgere | таблетки с красителем для обнаружения утечек | kaniiniyada midabka ee sheega in biyo daadanayaan | Tabletas para detectar fugas – | таблетки для виявлення витоків | phấn màu bỏ vào nước để kiểm tra rò rỉ | PDXWB | More details | |
139 | logging | process of cutting, processing, and moving trees for lumber | noun | 伐木 | Foforun pokutiwen, foforun, me pwan amwakutun ira ren pap. | रुख काट्ने | tăieri de copaci | Заготовка леса | dhir jarida | Explotación forestal | лісозаготівля | đốn cây | PDXWB | More details | |
140 | mailing address | the address where you want your mail to be sent. For most people, this is the same as your home address. | noun | 邮寄地址 | Address ikewe ka kan mochen noum taropwe repwe titino ie. | पत्राचार ठेगाना | adresă de corespondență | почтовый адрес | ciwaanka boostada | Dirección postal | Поштова адреса | Địa Chỉ Liên lạc | PDXWB | More details | |
141 | main break | when a pipe used to move water breaks or leaks | noun | 主管道破裂 | Nupwen ew paip ra kan eaea ne amwokutu konik a kan taa ika nechuno | प्रमुख विश्राम | defecțiune la conducta principală | разрыв/поломка основного водопровода | jebinta koobaad | Fuga o rotura en la tubería principal | головна поломка | khi một đường ống được sử dụng để di chuyển nước bị vỡ hoặc rò rỉ | PDXWB | More details | |
142 | mandatory water curtailment | a period of time when customers must reduce their water use to avoid emergency rationing | noun | 强制性节约用水 | Ew fansoun nupwen aramas kena repwene kan akisano ar eaean konik ren ar repwe apeti atepwanepwanen awukuk | अनिवार्य पानीको संक्षेप | limitare obligatorie a consumului de apă | обязательное сокращение потребления воды | biyo yaraynta qasabka ah | Reducción obligatoria en el consumo de agua | обов’язкове вимкнення води | bắt buộc cắt giảm nước | PDXWB | More details | |
143 | manual irrigation | watering plants by hand, with a hose or watering can | noun | 人工灌溉 | Achonun ira seni poum | म्यानुअल सिँचाई | irigare manuală | Ручной полив | beeraha gacanta lagu waraabsho | Riego manual | ручний полив | Tưới tay | PDXWB | More details | |
144 | meter | device that measures how much water is used at a property | noun | 水表 | Pisekin awukukun konik ka eaea. | मिटर | apometru | счётчик | cabirka | Contador/medidor | метр | đồng hồ đo | PDXWB | More details | |
145 | meter box | box that houses water meter | noun | 水表箱 | Pwor a kan iseni ewe meterin konik | मिटर बाकस | cutia de apometru | счётчик, панель счётчика | bokiska cabirka | Caja de medidor | метровий ящик | hộp đồng hồ nước | PDXWB | More details | |
146 | meter shut off | the valve that shuts water off at the meter before it enters the customer’s property | noun | 水表阀 | Ewe valve a ka awukano konik non ewe meter me mwan epwe tonong non imwen ewe aramas. | मिटर बन्द गर्ने भल्भ | valva de deconectare a apometrului | Отключение воды/перекрытие воды | dabinta cabirka | Llave de paso del medidor | лічильник відключення | khoá đồng hồ nước | PDXWB | More details | |
147 | milky water | water from the tap that looks white or milky, also known as cloudy water. The white appearance is caused by air bubbles trapped in the water. It is not harmful. Air bubbles will disappear after a while. | noun | 乳白色的水 | Konik seni ewe faucet a kan pwech ika usun minik | सेतो पानी | apă lăptoasă | мутная вода (молочного цвета) | biyo caano u eg | Agua lechosa | мутна вода | nước đục màu sữa | PDXWB | More details | |
148 | million gallons per day (mgd) | unit of measurement for drinking water | noun | 每天百万加仑(mgd) | Million kalon kena ew ran (mgd) Mettoch ren awukukun konikin wuun | प्रति दिन मिलियन ग्यालनहरू (mgd) | milioane de galoane pe zi | Миллион галлонов в день | milyan galaan maalin kasta (mgd) | Un millón de galones al día | мільйон галонів на день (мгд) | triệu gallon mỗi ngày (mgd) | PDXWB | More details | |
149 | mineral content | common elements like calcium sodium, magnesium, and iron that occur naturally in water | noun | 矿物质含量 | Mettochun masowen usun chok calciu sodium, magnesium, me pwan iron ina ra kan chok fisita seni nature non konik. | मिनरल सामग्री | conținut de minerale | содержание минеральных частиц/веществ | maado macdan ah | Contenido mineral | вміст мінеральних речовин | thành phần khoáng chất | PDXWB | More details | |
150 | monthly statements | quarterly bill broken up into three monthly payments | noun | 月结单 | Momon non ew kuwoche a kan katatiw non momon non wunungat momo iteiten maram. | मासिक कथनहरू | facturi lunare | ежемесячная выписка по счету, выписка за месяц со счёта | bayaanka baaqiga bil kasta | Estados de cuenta mensuales | щомісячні виписки | bản báo cáo hàng tháng | PDXWB | More details | |
151 | moth ball | a chemical ball wtih pesticides used to protect clothing. Very distinct odor. | noun | 樟脑丸 | Ew pworen chemial fiti ninin maan ra kan eaea ren tumunun uuf. | मथ बल | bile de naftalină | нафталиновый шарик | sunta dharka | Bolita antipolillas | нафталінові кульки | long não | PDXWB | More details | |
152 | Mount Hood | Proper name of the mountain closest to Bull Run – does this even need translating? | noun | Mount Hood | Mount Hood | माउन्ट हुड | Mount Hood | гора Mount Hood | Mount Hood | Mount Hood | Гора Худ | Mount Hood | PDXWB | More details | |
153 | Mount Hood National Forest | also a proper name, for the federally owned national forest that Bull Run is part of | noun | Mount Hood 国家森林 | Mount Hood National Forest | माउन्ट हुड राष्ट्रिय जङ्गल | Pădurea Națională Mount Hood | заповедник Mount Hood | Kaynta Qaran ee Mount Hood | Bosque nacional de Mount Hood | Національний ліс Маунт-Худ | Rừng quốc gia Mount Hood | PDXWB | More details | |
154 | mulch | a layer of material, like sawdust or compost, that covers and protects soil | noun | 覆盖物 | Chuukun mettoch kena, usun peipeiin rere ika compost, ra kan pwon me tumun pwuun | मुल्च | mulci | мульча | lakabka ciida difaaca | Mantillo | мульча | gỗ vụn/rơm để phủ đất | PDXWB | More details | |
155 | multifamily | a building where many families live, in separate units. This includes apartment buildings and condominium complexes. Usually, multifamily housing units share one water meter. | noun | 多户家庭 | Ew imw ikewe chomong family ra kan nonom ie. | बहु-परिवार | multifamilal | многосемейный, многоквартирный (дом) | qoysas badan | Multifamiliar | багатосімейний | đa gia đình | PDXWB | More details | |
156 | Multnomah County | noun | Multnomah County 县 | Multnomah County | मल्टनोमा काउन्टी | Comitatul Multnomah | округ Малтнома, Multnomah County | Degmada Multnomah | Condado de Multnomah | Округ Малтнома | quận Multnomah | PDXWB | More details | ||
157 | Multnomah County Health Department (MCHD) | noun | Multnomah 县卫生局,MCHD) | Multnomah County Health Department (MCHD) | मल्टनोमा काउन्टी स्वास्थ्य विभाग (MCHD) | Departamentul de Sănătate al Județului Multnomah | Департамент здравоохранения округа Малтнома | Waaxda Caafimaadka ee Degmada Multnomah (MCHD) | Departamento de salud del condado de Multnomah | Департамент охорони здоров’я округу Малтнома (MCHD) | Sở Y tế quận Multnomah (MCHD) | PDXWB | More details | ||
158 | municipal water supply | facilities for storage, transmission, treatment, and distribution of drinking water to a community or area | noun | 市政供水设施 | Nenien iseisen, katowowun, tumunun, me akinikiniwowun konikin wuun non ew nenien nonom ika neni a kan aan muunnap, a kan chok ekkena nenien chomong ira, ew fonu a kan nemenem seni ewe muunnap | नगरीय पानीको आपूर्ति | furnizarea de apă municipală | муниципальное водоснабжение | ilaha biyaha ee magaalada | Suministro municipal de agua | міське водопостачання | cung cấp nước thành phố | PDXWB | More details | |
159 | national forest | a federally owned, usually forested, piece of land administered by the federal government | noun | 国家森林 | Neni a kan aan muunnap, a kan chok ekkena nenien chomong ira, ew fonu a kan nemenem seni ewe muunnap | राष्ट्रिय जङ्गल | pădure națională | национальный лес | kaynta qaran | Bosque nacional | національний ліс | rừng quốc gia | PDXWB | More details | |
160 | national forest reserve | a previous version of national forests. This was an official designation given to certain areas of forest land starting in 1891. The designation focused on conserving water, timber, fish and wildlife, and recreation. National forest reserves were largely converted to national forests in the early 1900s. | noun | 国家森林保护区 | Ew neni a kan finita pwe nenien iseisen konik, ira, iik me maan mwacho me pwan urumwot. | राष्ट्रिय जङ्गल आरक्षण | Rezerva Națională Forestieră | Национальный лесной заповедник | Kaydka kaynta qaran | Reserva de bosque nacional | національний лісовий заповідник | khu bảo tồn rừng quốc gia | PDXWB | More details | |
161 | Native peoples | the many peoples, individuals, and nations and communities, who are native to this country | noun | 原住民 | Ekkewe chomong aramas, emon me emon aramas kena, me pwan fonu kena me nenien nonom kena, ir ra kan chon ei fonu me noem. | मूल निवासीहरू | popoare native | Местные народы | Dadka dhaladka ah | Pueblos nativos | Корінні народи | những người dân tộc bản địa | PDXWB | More details | |
162 | natural history | a study of the natural world | noun | 自然史 | Ew keon ewe nenien seni nature. | प्राकृतिक इतिहास | istorie naturală | Естествоведение/естествознание | taariikhda dabiiciga ah | Historia natural | природознавство | lịch sử tự nhiên | PDXWB | More details | |
163 | natural resource protection | efforts to conserve the wide range of resources provided by the natural environment (water, fish, wildlife, trees, plants, soil, etc.) | noun | 自然资源保护 | Achochon tumunun chomong sakkun nenien aninis a kawor seni neni seni nature (konik, iik, maanmwacho, ira, fofot, pwuun, me pwan ekkoch) | प्राकृतिक स्रोत सुरक्षा | protecția resurselor naturale | охрана природных ресурсов | difaaca khayraadka dabiiciga ah | Protección de los recursos naturales | охорона природних ресурсів | bảo vệ tài nguyên thiên nhiên | PDXWB | More details | |
164 | natural resource(s) | water, fish, wildlife, trees, plants, soil, etc. | noun | 自然资源 | Konik, iik, maanmwacho, ira, fofot, pwuun, pwan ekkoch. | प्राकृतिक स्रोत(हरू) | resurse naturale | природный ресурс | khayraadka dabiiciga ah | Recursos naturales | природний ресурс, природні ресурси | tài nguyên thiên nhiên | PDXWB | More details | |
165 | naturescaping | using only plants that naturally thrive in this climate in your landscape or garden to reduce watering needs and the use of chemical fertilizers | verb | 自然景观 | Eaea ekkena chok ira ra kan marita seni nature non eomuwe landscape ika atake ren akisanon achonun me pwan eaean chemical fertilizer. | नेचरइस्केपिङ | peisagistica naturală | естественный ландшафт | xulashada geedaha ku haboon cimilada | Crear paisaje natural | озеленення | trồng cây làm đẹp | PDXWB | More details | |
166 | net bio oxygen demand | a measurement of how much oxygen is being used in a waterbody. also known as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). | noun | 净生物需氧量 | Ew awukukun fita oxygen ra kan eaea non ew pekin konik | शुद्ध जैव अक्सिजन माग | solicitarea bio netă de oxigen | общее количество потребления био-кислорода | cabirka oksijiinta loo baahan yahay | Demanda neta de bio oxígeno | одиниця потреби в біокисні | nhu cầu oxy sinh hóa (BOD) | PDXWB | More details | |
167 | net total suspended solids | suspended or floating particles in water | noun | 净悬浮物总和 | Mamanin mettoch non konik | शुद्ध कुल निलम्बित ठोस पदार्थहरू | cantitatea netă totală de particule solide suspendate | сумма твердых взвешенных веществ | wadarta ciida la tuuray | Total neto de sólidos en suspensión | загальна кількість непотрібних речовин | các hạt lơ lửng hoặc trôi nổi trong nước | PDXWB | More details | |
168 | nutrients | substances that enable living things to survive and grow | noun | 养分 | Mettoch kena ra kan anisi mettoch mi menau ar repwe menaw me pwan marita | पोषणहरू | nutrienți | питательные вещества, биогенные вещества, нутриенты | macdanta | Nutrientes | поживні речовини | chất dinh dưỡng | PDXWB | More details | |
169 | old-growth forest | a forest that humans haven’t logged or significantly changed in at least several decades | noun | 原始森林 | Neni kena aramas resanmo pokutiw ira kena non ew fansoun nangetam | पुरानो-वृद्धि जङ्गल | pădure veche | девственный лес, старовозрастные леса | kaymaha dihin | Bosque antiguo | старовинний ліс | rừng già | PDXWB | More details | |
170 | open reservoir | water storage open to the air | noun | 露天水库 | Nenien iseis konik mi suuk ngeni nukun asepwan | खुला रिजर्भर | rezervor deschis | открытый резервуар | kayd furan | Embalse abierto | відкрита водойма | hồ chứa nước không đậy nắp | PDXWB | More details | |
171 | Oregon Health Authority (OHA) | noun | 俄勒冈州卫生局(OHA) | Oregon Health Authority (OHA) | ओरेगन हेल्थ अथोरिटी (OHA) | Autoritatea de Sănătate din Oregon | Управления здравоохранения штата Орегон (OHA) | Maamulka Caafimaadka ee Oregon (OHA) | Autoridad de salud de Oregón | Орган охорони здоров’я Орегону (OHA) | Cơ quan Y tế Oregon (OHA) | PDXWB | More details | ||
172 | outdoor spigot | a faucet you can connect a hose to for outdoor use, like watering plants | noun | 户外水龙头 | Ew faucet nukun imw | बाहिरी स्पिगट | Robinet exterior | регулирующий кран для улицы (например, для шланга). | tuubada biyaha ee banaanka guriga | Grifo exterior | кран зовнішнього застосування | vòi nước ngoài trời | PDXWB | More details | |
173 | owner | The person who owns a home or buiding | noun | 业主 | Chon imweni ew imw | मालिक | proprietar | владелец | mulkiilaha | Dueño/propietario | власник | chủ | PDXWB | More details | |
174 | paperless billing | an option where your bill is delivered by email, not paper mail | noun | 无纸账单 | Ewe finin ikewe eom kewe momo ra kan etto seni email | कागजरहित बिलिङ | facturare fără hârtie | счета в электронном виде, выставление и получение счетов в электронном виде | biilka oonleenka ah | Facturación sin papel/electrónica | безпаперове виставлення рахунків | cách gởi hoá đơn qua mạng, không gởi hoá đơn về nhà | PDXWB | More details | |
175 | parts per billion (ppb) | term used to describe very small amounts of something within something else. Parts per billion is the same as micrograms per liter, or one ten thousandth of a gram. | noun | 十亿分之一 (ppb) | Ew pekin non ew billion (ppb) | प्रति बिलियन भागहरू (ppm) | părți per miliard | частей на миллиард | qaybood halkii bilyan ba (ppb) | Parte por mil millones(ppb) | частин на мільярд (ppb) | phần tỷ (ppb) | PDXWB | More details | |
176 | parts per million (ppm) | term used to describe very small amounts of something within something else. Parts per million is the same as milligrams per liter, or one thousandth of a gram. | noun | 百万分之一 (ppm) | Ew pekin non ew million (ppm) | प्रति मिलियन भागहरू (ppm) | părți per milion | частей на миллион | qaybood halkii milyan ba (ppm) | Parte por millón (ppm) | частин на мільйон (ppm) | phần triệu (ppm) | PDXWB | More details | |
177 | pathogen | a bacterium, virus, or microorganism that can make people sick. Also known as a germ. | noun | 病原体 | Monungaw kena repwene kan fori pwe aramas repwene semwen. | प्याथोजेन | patogen | патоген, возбудители инфекции, болезнетворный микроорганизм | Jeermis dhaliye | Patógeno | збудник | mầm bệnh | PDXWB | More details | |
178 | payment arrangement | a way to spread out your payments over time, extending the due date on your bill | noun | 缴费安排 | Atetenin momon eom momo epwe non fansoun nangetam. | भुक्तानी प्रबन्ध | distribuția plăților | договорённость об оплате, договорённость об осуществлении платежей | qorshaha lacag bixinta | Plan de pagos | умови оплати | thanh toán trả góp | PDXWB | More details | |
179 | permeability | the ability of a material to allow water to pass through its pore spaces. Permeable materials, such as gravel and sand, allow water to move quickly through them. Impermeable materials, such as clay, don’t allow water to flow freely. | noun | 渗透性 | An mettoch tongeni mut ngeni konik an epwe kuusunong non. | पारगम्यता | permeabilitate | водопроницаемость, пропускающая способность | ogolaanshaha | Permeabilidad | проникність | độ thẩm thấu | PDXWB | More details | |
180 | pink stain | a pink ring around a water drain. This is caused by growth of bacteria from the surrounding air. | noun | 粉红色污渍 | Ew ring mi pink arun ew nenien akuusunon konik. | गुलाबी दाग | pată roz | появление розовой окраски | badhanka calawga ah | Mancha rosa | рожева пляма | vết màu hồng | PDXWB | More details | |
181 | pipe | a long hollow object that moves substances from one place to another. Pipes can carry water, stormwater, sewage, oil, natural gas, and other substances. | noun | 管道 | Paip | पाइप | țeavă | труба, трубка, трубочка | tuubada | Cañería/tubería | труба | đường ống | PDXWB | More details | |
182 | pipe casing | a pipe that surrounds a water pipe to protect it | noun | 管道套管 | Paipina a kan nom arun ew paipin konik ren an epwe tumunu | पाइप केसिङ | protecție de țeavă | обсадная труба, кожух трубопровода | duubka difaaca tuubada biyaha | Recubrimiento de cañerías/tuberías | трубний кожух | vỏ ống | PDXWB | More details | |
183 | plumbing | pipes, valves, tanks, and fixtures that move water through a building | noun | 管道;供水管道 | Paip, valves, tanguk, me pwan mettoch kena ra kan amwakutu konik me non ew imw | प्लम्बिङ | instalație de apă | водопровод, сантехническое оборудование | tuubooyinka | Cañerías/tuberías | сантехніка | thuộc về ống nước | PDXWB | More details | |
184 | porosity | how much space is within a material. At the Water Bureau, we use this term to describe how much space is available for water within an aquifer. | noun | 孔隙率 | Fita neni non ew mettoch. | संरघ्रता | porozitate | пористость | balaca sheeyga | Porosidad | пористість | độ xốp | PDXWB | More details | |
185 | Portland Basin | a twenty-mile by fifty-mile topographic basin in the Portland metro area. The Columbia South Shore Well Field is within the Portland Basin. The basin was formed by converging tectonic plates and Columbia River basalt flows. The ancestral Columbia River and ice-age cataclysmic floods then filled the basin with more than 1,800 feet of sediment. The basin extends north to the Lewis River in Washington, south to the Clackamas River, west to the Portland Hills (Tualatin Mountains), and east to the Western Cascades. The Columbia River flows through the middle of the basin. | noun | Portland 盆地 | Putain Pekin Konik an Portland | पोर्टल्याण्ड बेसिन | Bazinul Portland | Акватория Портленда, водосборный бассейн Портленда | Harada Portland | Cuenca de Portland | Портлендський басейн | Lưu vực Portland | PDXWB | More details | |
186 | Portland City Council | decision-makers of Portland’s local government. City Council contains five members, including the mayor. | noun | 波特兰市议会 | Portland City Council | पोर्टल्याण्ड सिटि काउन्सिल | Consiliul Local Portland | городской/ муниципальный совет Портленда | Golaha Magaalada Portland | Cabildo de Portland | Міська рада Портленда | Hội đồng thành phố Portland | PDXWB | More details | |
187 | Portland Harbor Superfund | Portland Harbor is an eleven-mile stretch of the Willamette River (the river’s last eleven miles before its confluence with the Columbia). Portland Harbor is one of the largest and most complex Superfund sites in the country, with a long history of contamination from shipping, industrial, and commercial uses. The Superfund charge on ratepayers’ bills helps fund the City of Portland’s required participation in the ongoing Superfund cleanup process. | noun | Portland 港湾超级基金 | An Portland Watten Monien Oror | पोर्टल्याण्ड हार्बोर सुपरफण्ड | Superfondul Portului Portland | Суперфонд гавани Портленда | Portland Harbor Superfund | Proyecto de limpieza de contaminación en el Puerto de Portland | Суперфонд Портлендської гавані | Qũy super của cảng portland | PDXWB | More details | |
188 | Portland Water Bureau | City department responsible for providing drinking water to Portland | noun | Portland 水务局 | Putain Pekin Konik an Portland | पोर्टल्याण्ड वाटर ब्यूरो | Biroul Apei din Portland | Управление водоснабжения Портленда | Laanta Biyaha ee Portland | Departamento de Agua de Portland | Портлендське бюро води | Cục nước Portland | PDXWB | More details | |
189 | potable water | water that’s safe to drink. Potable water can be used for drinking, cooking, and other daily purposes. | noun | 饮用水 | Konik mi kan tumun ne wuun. | पिउन सकिने पानी | apă potabilă | вода, пригодная для питья | biyaha la cabo | Agua potable | Питна вода | nước sạch | PDXWB | More details | |
190 | precipitation | rain, snow, sleet, hail | noun | 降水;降水量 | wuut, snow, sleet, hail | बर्फिलो वर्षा | precipitații | атмосферные осадки, количество осадков | biyaha cirka | Precipitación | опади | sự kết tủa | PDXWB | More details | |
191 | property line | the boundary between two properties, or between a property and the right of way (a city street or sidewalk) | noun | 财产界线 | Uwowen ruwow fonu | सम्पत्तिको लाइन | linia proprietății | граница участка, граница землевладения | xaduudka guriga | Límite de la propiedad | лінія власності | biên giới đất | PDXWB | More details | |
192 | property side water line | the section of pipe that carries water from the water meter to your house | noun | 物业旁供水线 | Ewe kinikinin paip a kan uwei ewe konik seni ewe water meter ngeni imwomuwe | सम्पत्ति छेउको पानीको लाइन | conducta de apă pe partea proprietații | Водовод со стороны участка | xadka biyaha geeska guriga | Tuberías de agua dentro de la propiedad | власна водна лінія | đường ống dẫn nước vào trong nhà | PDXWB | More details | |
193 | PRV (pressuring reducing valve) | a device that limits the flow of water. If your water pressure is high, a PRV can protect your plumbing fixtures. | noun | PRV(减压阀) | PRV (pressuring reducing valve)Ew pisek a kan awukuku kuusun ewe konin | PRV (दबाब कम गर्ने भल्भ) | valvă de reducere a presiunii | Клапан, понижающий давление | PRV (badhanka yareeya caadiska) | Válvula de reducción de presión | PRV (редукційний клапан) | PRV (van giảm áp) | PDXWB | More details | |
194 | public health | work to prevent disease in, and improve the health of, a group of people. Public health involves medical providers and governments. | noun | 公共卫生 | Tumunun pinepinen semwen | जनस्वास्थ्य | sănătate publică | здравоохранение, общественное здравоохранение | caafimaadka dadwaynaha | para la salud pública. | громадське здоров’я | sức khỏe cộng đồng | PDXWB | More details | |
195 | pump station | a facility that pumps water (or stormwater or sewage) from a lower to a higher elevation | noun | 泵站 | Nenien pumpen konik seni ew neni mi tekiekis ngeni ew neni mi tekia. | पम्प स्टेशन | stație de pompare | насосная станция | xarunta bamka | Estación de bombeo | насосна станція | trạm bơm | PDXWB | More details | |
196 | quarterly billing | a system where you receive a bill every three months | noun | 季度账单 | Ew system iwe en ka kan angei momo iteiten wunungat meram. | त्रैमासिक बिलिङ | facturare trimestrială | ежеквартальный счет | biilka sadexdii bilood ba mar la keeno | Facturación trimestral | квартальне виставлення рахунків | thanh toán hàng quý | PDXWB | More details | |
197 | rain | [commonly understood term] | noun | 降雨;下雨;雨水 | Wuut | वर्षा | ploaie | дождь | roob | Lluvia | дощ | mưa | PDXWB | More details | |
198 | rainbow trout | a specific species of trout. Found in Bull Run. | noun | 虹鳟鱼 | Ew sakkun trout ra nom non Bull Run | रेन्बो ट्राउट | păstrăv curcubeu | радужная форель | Nuuc Kaluun ah ee loo yaqaan rainbow trout | Trucha arcoíris | Райдужна форель | cá hồi vân | PDXWB | More details | |
199 | rate change | a change in how much water, sewer, and stormwater services cost. Typically once a year. | noun | 费率变化 | Siwinin momo | दर परिवर्तन | schimbare a prețului | изменение тарифа (за коммунальные услуги) | isbadalka qiimaha | Cambio de tarifa | зміна тарифу | thay đổi giá | PDXWB | More details | |
200 | raw water | water that comes from a lake, river, aquifer, or other natural source before being treated. This water is not safe to drink. | noun | 原水 | Konik a etto seni pwan ekkoch neni me mwan an epwe tumunun animeochu | ताजा पानी | apă netratată | сырая вода | biyaha roobka | Agua sin tratar | сира вода | nước thô (không qua xử lý) | PDXWB | More details | |
201 | rebate | a partial refund, often given as a bill credit or mailed check. Applies to purchases or services that the customer has already paid for. | noun | 返现 | Ew momo sefan, fan chomong a kan credit ngeni momo ika titiwowun echo check | छूट | reducere | возврат части платежа, возвратная скидка | qarash celin | Reembolso | знижка | tiền trừ bớt | PDXWB | More details | |
202 | refill | the time when rain fills the reservoirs and water levels rise, typically in fall and winter | noun | 再补满 | Amasowa sefani seni wuut | रिफिल गर्नुहोस् | reumplere | восполнение (воды в водохранилище) | dib u dhaamin | Rellenar | поповнити | làm cho đầy | PDXWB | More details | |
203 | regulate | a way to watch, supervise, and control something through rules | noun | 监管 | Ew sakkun nemenem seni annuk | नियमन गर्नुहोस् | reglementare | регулировать, контролировать, регламентировать | sharciyayn | Reglamentar | регулювати | chỉnh đốn | PDXWB | More details | |
204 | regulated drinking water contaminants | things or substances that can sometimes be found in water and can be dangerous to drink | noun | 饮用水监管污染物 | Annuk ren mettoch kena ra kan kuna non me pwan afeiengaw ngeni kokikin wuun | नियमन गरिएको खानेपानीका दूषक तत्वहरू | reglementarea contaminanților din apa potabilă | регулируемые источники загрязнения питьевой воды | waxyaabaha ku jira biyaha la cabo ee sharciyaysan | Contaminantes reglamentados en el agua potable | регламентовані забрудники питної води | chất gây ô nhiễm nước uống | PDXWB | More details | |
205 | regulations | rules to limit how much of a dangerous thing or substance can be in water | noun | 法规 | Annukun awukukun mettoch afeiengaw kena repwe kan nom non konik | नियम | regulamente | нормативные требования/правила | sharciyada | Reglamentos | правила | điều lệ | PDXWB | More details | |
206 | reservoir | a place to store water | noun | 水库 | Nenien iseisen konik | रिजर्भर | rezervor | резервуар | kaydka | Embalse | водосховище | Hồ chứa | PDXWB | More details | |
207 | resilient | does well, lasts long, holds up for a long time | noun | 韧性 | Foforieoch, nonom non nongetameno, pechakuneno non fansoun nangetam | लचकदार | rezilient | устойчивый, выносливый, крепкий | hal adkaysi | Resistencia | стійкий | sức bền bỉ | PDXWB | More details | |
208 | ridge | high point, like a mountain, that divides one watershed or drainage from a neighborhing watershed or drainage. A ridge is kind of like the edge of a bowl. | noun | 山脊 | Ew neni a kini neni kena. | रिज | culme | хребет, горная цепь | kanaalada biyaha qaybsha | Cresta | хребет | sườn núi | PDXWB | More details | |
209 | right-of-way | Publicly-held land. This could be a city sidewalk or street. It could also be land that looks like someone’s yard, but is publicly held | noun | 通行权 | Neni ren aramas meinisin | बाटो-को-छेउमा | cale de acces | уличная зона, коридор, право проезда, сервитут | xaqa wadada | Derecho de paso | право проїзду | quyền ưu tiên | PDXWB | More details | |
210 | river | water that natually flows from lakes and springs from higher elevation to the ocean | noun | 河流 | Pupu | खोला | râu | река | wabiga | Río | річка | con sông | PDXWB | More details | |
211 | safe and abundant water for generations to come | the Water Bureau’s official vision statement. This means that we’re making sure there’s enough high-quality drinking water well into the future. | noun | 为后代子孙提供安全和丰富的水 | Tumun me pwan nafenon konik ren aramas kena repwe etto mwach kaan | आउँदो पुस्ताहरूका लागि सुरक्षित र अतिशय पानी | apă sigură și abundentă pentru generațiile care vor veni | Сохраним чистую воду в изобилии для будущих поколений. | higsiga badqabka iyo filnaanshaha biyaha mustaqbalka | Agua segura y abundante para las generaciones futuras | безпечна та багата на мінерали вода для майбутніх поколінь | nước an toàn và dồi dào cho các thế hệ mai sau | PDXWB | More details | |
212 | safe drinking water | water safe to use for drinking and cooking | noun | 安全饮用水 | Tumunun konikin wuun me pwan kuku | सुरक्षित खानेपानी | apă potabilă sigură | чистая питьевая вода | biyaha la cabbo oo nadiif ah | Agua potable segura | безпечна питна вода | nước an toàn để uống | PDXWB | More details | |
213 | Safe Drinking Water Act | federal rules to protect Americans’ drinking water. All public water systems must follow these rules. | noun | 安全饮用水法规 | Annukun Tumunun Konikin Wuun me pwan Kuku | सुरक्षित खानेपानी ऐन | Legea Siguranței Apei Potabile | Закон о чистой питьевой воде | Sharciga Biyaha La cabo ee Badqabka leh | Ley del Agua Potable Segura | Закон про безпечну питну воду | Đạo luật Nước uống An toàn | PDXWB | More details | |
214 | salmon | common name for several species of fish in the Salmonidae family | noun | 鲑鱼 | Salmon | साल्मोन | somon | лосось | salmon | Salmón | лосось | cá hồi | PDXWB | More details | |
215 | salty | having a taste like salt | noun | 咸味 | Nenen usun chok son | नुनिलो | sărat | солоноватый, солёный | cusbo leh | Salada | солоний | mặn | PDXWB | More details | |
216 | Sandy River Basin | the area of land that drains into the Sandy River. Also called the Sandy River Watershed. | noun | Sandy 河流域 | Ewe neni ina a kan kuusunong no ewe Sandy River | स्यान्डी खोलाको बेसिन | Bazinul râului Sandy | Бассейн реки Sandy | Harada Wabiga Sandy | Cuenca del río Sandy | Басейн річки Сенди (Sandy) | Lưu vực sông Sandy | PDXWB | More details | |
217 | Save water, save money! | [seems self-explanatory] | phrase | 节约用水,节省开支! | Tumunu konik, Tumunu moni! | पानी बचत गर्नुहोस्, पैसा बचाउनुहोस्! | Economisiți apă, economisiți bani! | Экономя воду- экономьте деньги! | Biyaha tashiil, tashiilo lacagta | Ahorre agua y dinero | Економте воду, заощаджуйте гроші! | tiết kiệm nước, tiết kiệm tiền! | PDXWB | More details | |
218 | season | [commonly understood term] | noun | 季节 | season | मौसम | sezon | сезон | xiliga | Estación/temporada | сезон | mùa | PDXWB | More details | |
219 | seasonal supply planning | planning the Water Bureau does each year to use water resources wisely, making sure there’s enough for fish and for people | noun | 季节性供应计划 | Amonen eaea konik iteiten ier pwe epwe naf ren iik me aramas | मौसमी आपूर्ती योजना | planificarea sezonieră a furnizării | сезонное планирование водоснабжения | qorshaynta cadadka isticmaalka xiliyeedka | Planificación de suministro para el verano | сезонне планування поставок | lập kế hoạch cung ứng theo mùa | PDXWB | More details | |
220 | secondary containment | a liquid-tight barrier that will contain hazardous materials if those materials are released from a storage container. The size and design of a secondary containment unit or device depends on the type and amount of material that it holds. | noun | 二次抑洩容器 | Ew tanguk mi pinepin pwe esapw neochuno ren konik a kan masow ren mettoch mi afeiengaw. | सहायक नियन्त्रण | izolare secundară | Защитное сооружение, вторичная герметизация | wasaqowga labaad | Contención secundaria | вторинне утримання | ngăn chặn thứ cấp | PDXWB | More details | |
221 | sediment | material that settles at the bottom of liquid. Water can naturally have sediment in it. | noun | 沉淀 | Mettoch kena ra kan nom fan konik | सेडिमेन्ट | sediment | осадок, осадочное отложение, осадочное вещество | gufarka | Sedimento | осад | trầm tích | PDXWB | More details | |
222 | service line | the pipe from a water main to a property. A service line delivers water to a home or business water meter. | noun | 服务管道 | Ewe paip seni water main ngeni ew imw | सेवा लाइन | conductă de serviciu | трубопровод | xadka adeegga | Línea de servicio | лінія обслуговування | đường dây dịch vụ | PDXWB | More details | |
223 | sewer | pipe network that carries sewage to a treatment plant | noun | 下水道 | Paip kena ra kan uwei annow ngeni nenien tumunun | नाली | canalizare | канализация, канализационная система | bulaacada | Alcantarillado | каналізація | cống nước | PDXWB | More details | |
224 | sewer leak | what happens when a sewer pipe breaks | noun | 污水渗漏 | Annow a kan nechuno | नाली चुहावट | scurgere de canalizare | течь канализации | dilaaca bulaac qaadaha | Fuga en el alcantarillado | витік каналізації | rò rỉ cống | PDXWB | More details | |
225 | sewer submeter | meter that shows how much water is going into the sewer system. A sewer submeter is good for businesses that use a lot more water than goes down the drain. Usually, people pay for sewer service based on how much water they use. By having a sewer submeter, a business can be billed based on how much sewer service they use. Sewer submeters are required for businesses that have more water going to the sewer than comes into the business from the city system (such as a business that relies on a well and not the city water supply). | noun | 下水道分水表 | Meter na a kan pwarano awukukun konik a kan tonong non ewe systemin annow. | नाली उप-मिटर | apometru secundar de canalizare | Канализационный счетчик | cabir doceedka bulaacada | Medidor del alcantarillado | каналізаційний субметр | máy đo cống ngầm | PDXWB | More details | |
226 | sewer volume | amount of water that goes into the sewer pipes. In most cases, this is based on water volume. | noun | 下水道水量 | Awukukun konik a kan tonong non ewe paipen annow. | नालीको मात्रा | volum de canalizare | объём канализационной воды | cadadka bulaacada | Volumen de flujo del alcantarillado | обсяг каналізації | khối lượng nước thải | PDXWB | More details | |
227 | sewer/stormwater/water bill | the combined bill for the three water-related services the City of Portland provides | noun | 下水道/雨水/水费账单 | Momon achufengenin annow/konik seni wuut/mon konik | नाली/आँधीको पानी/पानीको बिल | factură de canalizare/ ape pluviale/ apă | счета за канализацию/ливневые воды/водоснабжение | biilka bulaacada/biyaha daadka/biyaha | Factura de alcantarillado/aguas pluviales/agua | каналізація/опади/оплата за воду | hóa đơn nước thải / nước mưa / nước sinh hoạt | PDXWB | More details | |
228 | shower | [commonly understood term] | noun | 淋浴 | Tutu | शावर | duș | душ/принимать душ | Shaawarka | Ducha | душ | vòi tắm | PDXWB | More details | |
229 | shower timer | small hourglass that sticks to your shower wall. You can use it to show when five minutes have passed. | noun | 淋浴定时器 | Kunoken tutu | शावर टाइमर | temporizator de duș | Таймер для душа | cabiraha waqtiga qubayska | Medidor/reloj de ducha | таймер для душу | đồng hồ canh giờ tắm | PDXWB | More details | |
230 | showerhead | part of the shower that sprays water down | noun | 淋浴花洒 | Pekin paipen tutuwe a kuusuwow konik me non | शावरहेड | cap de duș | лейка для душа | madaxa shaawarka | Cabezal de la ducha | душова головка | vòi hoa sen | PDXWB | More details | |
231 | shutoff authorization | permission for the Water Bureau to turn off a property’s water. This usually happens if the property’s bill goes unpaid and the account holder hasn’t made a payment arrangement. | noun | 关闭授权 | Mumutan ewe Water Bureau an epwene awukano eaean konik. | बन्द गर्ने अनुमति | autorizație de decuplare | официальное разрешение на отключение/перекрытие воды | ogolaanshaha daminta | Autorización para corte de servciio | авторизація на відключення | ủy quyền ngắt | PDXWB | More details | |
232 | snow | [commonly understood term] | noun | 雪 | Snow | हिउँ | zăpadă | снег | baraf | Nieve | сніг | tuyết | PDXWB | More details | |
233 | snowmelt | water that comes from naturally melting snow | noun | 融雪 | Tonunon snow | हिउँ पग्लियो | zăpadă topită | талая вода, снеговая талая вода | dhalaalka barafka | Agua de deshielo | танення снігу | tuyết tan | PDXWB | More details | |
234 | sodium hydroxide | chemical water utilities can use to make water less corrosive. The Water Bureau has treated water with sodium hydroxide since 1998. | noun | 氢氧化钠 | Chemical ekkena nenien konik ra kan eaea pwe repwe tumunu ewe konik pwe esapw parang | सोडियम हाइड्रोअक्साइड | hidroxid de sodiu | гидроксид натрия, едкий натр, каустическая сода | sodium hydroxide | Hidróxido de sodio | гідроксид натрію | Natri Hidroxit | PDXWB | More details | |
235 | sour | having an acidic taste or odor | noun | 酸味 | Mwaneno nenen | अमिलो | acru | кислый | dhanaan | Amargo | кислий | vị chua | PDXWB | More details | |
236 | source water, water source | where the water people use comes from. Sources include lakes, rivers, groundwater, and springs, among others. | noun | 水源,水源 | Ikewe ewe konik sia eaea a etto me ie | स्रोतको पानी, पानीको स्रोत | sursa de apă | водный источник, источник воды, источник водоснабжения | biyaha isha, isha biyaha | Procedencia del agua | джерельна вода, джерело води | nước nguồn, nguồn nước | PDXWB | More details | |
237 | standard showerhead | the type of showerhead you would see in most houses in the U.S. | noun | 标准淋浴花洒 | Sakkun showerhead non imw kena | मानक शोवरहेड | cap de duș standard | обычный/стандартный душ | madaxa caadiga ah ee qubeyska | Cabezal de ducha estándar | стандартна душова насадка | vòi hoa sen tiêu chuẩn | PDXWB | More details | |
238 | steelhead | a rainbow trout that migrates to the ocean | noun | 钢头鳟 | Ranibow trout kena ra kan mokutuwow non metaw | स्टिलहेड | păstrăv steelhead | стальноголовый лосось | kaluun wabiyeed oo loo yaqaan stealhead | Steelhead | прибережна радужна форель | loại cá hồi đầu thép di tản ra biển | PDXWB | More details | |
239 | storm drain | an opening in the street that drains water into underground sewer or stormwater pipes. A storm drain is usually a rectangle with a grate on top. | noun | 雨水渠 | Ew suuken non ew al konik seni wuut a kan kuusunong non | आँधीको निकास | scurgere pentru apa de ploaie | ливневый сток, водосточная канава | Daadka biyaha | Desagüe de agua pluvial | дощова каналізація | cống thoát nước mưa | PDXWB | More details | |
240 | stormwater off site | charge to collect, move, and treat stormwater (runoff) from streets, sidewalks, and public spaces | noun | 屋宅院外雨水 | Momon ionin konik, mokut, me pwan tumunu konik seni nenien aramas meinisin. | साइटभन्दा बाहिरको स्टर्मवाटर | tratarea apelor pluviale la distanță | плата за услуги ливневой канализации за пределами участка | biyaha daadka ee ka baxsan meesha | Aguas pluviales en vía pública | зливові води за межами ділянки | chi phí thoát nước ngoài đường | PDXWB | More details | |
241 | stormwater on site | charge to collect, move, and treat stormwater from someone’s property | noun | 屋宅院內雨水 | Momon ionin konik, mokut, me pwan tumunu konik seni nenien pwan emon chok aramas. | साइटभित्रको स्टर्मवाटर | tratarea apelor pluviale pe proprietate | плата за услуги ливневой канализации на участке | biyaha daadka ee gudaha meesha | Aguas pluviales en propiedad privada | дощова вода на місці | chi phí thoát nước trong nhà | PDXWB | More details | |
242 | stormwater, stormwater runoff | rain or rainwater that runs off hard surfaces. Stormwater comes from roofs, streets, and sidewalks. It can carry polllution that it picks up as it flows across those surfaces. | noun | 雨水,雨水径流 | Konik seni wuut a kan kuusuno seni neni kewe arun ewe imw | स्टर्मवाटर, स्टर्मवाटर सक्कियो | apă de ploaie, scurgerea apei de ploaie | ливневая вода, ливневый сток | biyaha daadka, meesha ay maraan biyaha daadka | Aguas pluviales, escurrimiento de aguas pluviales | зливові води, зливовий стік | nước mưa, thoát nước mưa | PDXWB | More details | |
243 | streamflow | how much water is moving in a stream, and how quickly the water is moving | noun | Konik a kan mokut | स्ट्रिमफ्लो | debitul volumic de curgere | речной сток | qulqulka daadka | Flujo de una corriente | потік | dòng chảy | PDXWB | More details | ||
244 | sulfur | taste or odor similar to rotten eggs | noun | more | Nenen ika pwopwonen usun chok sakun mi macheno | सल्फर | sulf | с привкусом серы | baaruud | Azufre | сірки | lưu huỳnh | PDXWB | More details | |
245 | survey (when talking about construction) | a way to establish or mark where building corners, roads, sidewalks, or utilities should go. Survey happens after an engineer has designed the item that will be built. Surveyors make sure new construction does not conflict with designated setbacks, easements, or property lines. | noun | 调查(建筑有关) | Sokurio (Nupwen kakapas usun kawuta) | सर्वेक्षण (निर्माणको बारेमा कुराकानी गर्दा) | planificare | съёмка, производить съёмку (землемерную/топографическую), инспектировать, промерить | xog aruurin (marka laga hadlaayo dhismaha) | Encuesta (cuando se habla de una obra) | опитування (коли йдеться про будівництво) | khảo sát (khi nói về xây dựng) | PDXWB | More details | |
246 | suspended material, suspended sediment | floating material in liquid | noun | 悬浮物、悬浮沉积物 | Mettoch ra maan fetan non chonuchon | निलम्बित सामग्री, निलम्बित सेडिमेन्ट | material plutitor, sediment plutitor | взвешенное вещество, взвешенные отложения | sheey la tuuray, sheey dul heehaabaaya biyaha | Materiales en suspensión, sedimentos en suspensión | зважений матеріал, зважений осад | vật liệu lơ lửng, cặn lơ lửng | PDXWB | More details | |
247 | sustainable yield (when talking about groundwater) | a long-term balance between how much groundwater people use and how much groundwater is available. Using a well at or below the sustainable yield makes sure we can meet present needs without compromising our ability to meet future needs. | noun | 可持续产水量(指地下水) | Awukuk fengeni fita awukukun konik seni non pwuun sia eaea me pwan fita awukukun konik seni non pwuun mi wor. | दीर्घकालीन प्रतिफल (ग्राउण्डवाटरको बारेमा कुराकानी गर्दा) | folosire sustenabilă | устойчивая продуктивность, неистощительное водопользование | wax soo saar la joogtayn karo (marka laga hadlaayo biyaha dhulka hoostiisa) | Producción sostenible (cuando se habla de aguas subterráneas) | стійкий урожай (коли говоримо про підземні води) | khả năng cung cấp nước một cách bền vững của mạch nước ngầm | PDXWB | More details | |
248 | swampy | having a taste or odor like a swamp | noun | 沼泽气味 | Nenen konik ika pwonen usun chok ew swamp | दलदली | mlăștinos | болотистый (вкус/запах) | biyo dac ah | Pantanoso | болотистий | có mùi,vị ẩm như mùi bùn lầy | PDXWB | More details | |
249 | tap water | clean, drinkable water treated and distributed by the Water Bureau. People often just call this water. | noun | 自来水 | Konik mi eoch ne wuun mi tumun me nimeoch a kan kaworowow seni ewe Water Bureau | ट्यापको पानी | apă de robinet | вода из-под крана, питьевая вода | biyaha qasabada | Agua del grifo | вода з під крану | nước từ vòi | PDXWB | More details | |
250 | temperate rain forest | a forest in a mild climate that receives a lot of rain. More technically, a coniferous or deciduous forest located in the temperate zone that receives a significant amount of average annual rainfall. | noun | 温带雨林 | Ew forest non ew eochun climate a kan angei fakkun napenon wuut | मध्यम रेन फरेस्ट | păduri temperate | переменно-влажный лес | biyaha roobka kaymaha | Bosque moderadamente húmedo | помірний тропічний ліс | rừng mưa ôn đới | PDXWB | More details | |
251 | temporary paving | part of the construction process. After digging in the street, crews will often quickly pave the road surface so that people can use it. Later, road crews will put down a more durable, permanent paving. | noun | 临时铺路 | Asariton neni ren chok ew fansoun mwochomwoch | अस्थायी पेभिङ | pavaj temporar | временное дорожное покрытие | sifaynta wadada si ku meel gaar ah | Pavimento provisional | тимчасове вимощення | lát đá tạm thời | PDXWB | More details | |
252 | tenant | someone who rents or leases a property from someone else | noun | 租户 | Chon rent | भाडावाल | chiriaș | съёмщик, арендатор | kirayste | Inquilinos | орендар | người thuê nhà | PDXWB | More details | |
253 | the bureau | City of Portland department. In our work, this could refer to the Water Bureau or the Bureau of Environmental Services. | noun | 局方 | Ewe ofesin Konik | ब्यूरो | biroul | городское управление | laanta | El departamento | бюро | Cục | PDXWB | More details | |
254 | timber harvest | cutting down trees to produce lumber, or for other uses | noun | 木材採伐 | Nenien ngaseno | टिम्बर हार्भेस्ट | exploatare forestieră | лесозаготовка, заготовка леса | alwaax jarista | Cosecha de árboles para madera | заготівля деревини | khai thác gỗ | PDXWB | More details | |
255 | toilet | [commonly understood term] | noun | 厕所 | Nenien ngaseno | शौचालय | Toaletă | туалет | musqusha | Inodoro | туалет | nhà vệ sinh | PDXWB | More details | |
256 | toilet bowl | the oval part of the toilet; the part that collects waste | noun | 马桶 | Ewe pwonen ewe nenien annow | शौचालय बोल | vas de toaletă | унитаз | fadhiga musqusha | Taza del inodoro | туалетна виямка | bồn cầu | PDXWB | More details | |
257 | toilet flapper | a part inside the toilet tank. When you flush, the flapper flips up to allow water to flow into the bowl. | noun | 马桶挡板 | Non ewe tanguk kopwe kan akusawow | शौचालय फ्ल्याप्पर | dop de rezervor | сливной клапан | falaashka musqusha | Válvula de entrada de agua al inodoro | заслонка для унітазу | nắp xả nước trong bể bồn cầu | PDXWB | More details | |
258 | toilet replacement | removing an old toilet and installing a new toilet | noun | 马桶更换 | Asiwini ngeni ew minafon nenien annow | शौचालय प्रतिस्थापन | înlocuirea toaletei | замена унитаза | badalida qalabka musqusha | Reemplazo del inodoro | заміна унітазу | thay nhà vệ sinh | PDXWB | More details | |
259 | toilet tank | the rectangular part of the toilet behind and above the seat. The tank holds the water that will fill the bowl next time you flush. | noun | 马桶水箱 | Tanguk ren konik ren ewe nenien annow | शौचालयको दर्जा | rezervorul de toaletă | сливной бачок унитаза | taangida musqusha | Tanque del inodoro | бачок унітазу | bồn giữ nước của bồn cầu | PDXWB | More details | |
260 | total hardness | measurement of dissolved minerals in the water. Water naturally varies in hardness. | noun | 总硬度 | Awukukun mettoch ra chonuno non ewe konik. | कुल कडापन | duritatea totală | общая/суммарная жёсткость | adayg daran | Dureza total | загальна твердість | tổng độ cứng (của nước) | PDXWB | More details | |
261 | trench | a long, narrow cut in the ground | noun | 沟渠 | Awar | ट्रेन्च | șanț | траншея, канал, канава, прорезь-траншея | gud dhuuban oo ku yaala dhulka | Trinchera | траншея | con mương | PDXWB | More details | |
262 | tribal relations | the City’s and the bureau’s work to build, maintain, and improve relationships with regional tribal nations and the urban Native community | noun | 部落关系 | Napenapeoch ngeni mwichen Indian kena | ट्राइबल सम्बन्धहरू | relații tribale | отношения с коренным населением | xariirada qabiilka | Relaciones con las comunidades indígenas | родові відносини | mối quan hệ với các bộ lạc | PDXWB | More details | |
263 | trout | a type of freshwater fish. Found in the Bull Run. | noun | 鳟鱼 | Sakkun iiken non konik ra wor non Bull Run | ट्राउट | păstrăv | форель | kaluun wabiyeed oo loo yaqaan trout | Trucha | форель | giống cá hương | PDXWB | More details | |
264 | turbidity | the cloudiness of water. Turbidity is a key part of water quality, and can show how much suspended sediment and material is in the water. | noun | 浊度 | Ewe ochouchoun ewe konik, a kan pekin eochun konik me pwan pwarano awukukun mettoch ra maanino non ewe konik | धमिलोपन | turbiditate | степень прозрачности/мутности воды | mugdiga ku jira biyaha | Turbiedad | помутніння | độ đục | PDXWB | More details | |
265 | underground leak (UGL) | leak that happens underground. In an underground leak, the leaked water does not enter the sewer system. | noun | 地下泄漏 (UGL) | Nochuno a kan fis fanipwuun (UGL) | अन्डरग्राउण्ड चुहावट (UGL) | scurgere subterană | подземная утечка | biyo ka daadanaaya dhulka hoostiisa (UGL) | Fuga subterránea | підземний витік (UGL) | rò rỉ ngầm (UGL) | PDXWB | More details | |
266 | unfiltered water | water that has not been filtered. In the Water Bureau’s case, this refers to filtration as a way to treat drinking water. | noun | 未经过滤的水 | Konikena esan mo nimenimeno | फिल्टर नगरिएको पानी | apă nefiltrată | неотфильтрованная вода | biyo aan la sifayn | Agua sin filtrar | нефільтрована вода | nước chưa lọc | PDXWB | More details | |
267 | utility | a service provided to each building in an area. Utilities include water, sewer, stormwater, electricity, natural gas, and others. | noun | 公用事业 | Angangen aninis kena ra kan kawor ngeni ew me ew imw kena. | उपयोगिता | utilități | Коммунальные услуги | adeegga guriga | Servicio público | комунальні послуги | tiện ích công cộng( điện, nước,ga các thứ cung cấp cho đời sống hàng ngày của các gia đình) | PDXWB | More details | |
268 | utility locate | finding and marking where utilites are underground. This helps workers not damage existing utilities when they dig. | noun | 公用设施定位 | Kuna ew maak ikewe utilities kena ra kan nom fanipwuun | उपयोगिता पत्ता लगाउने | localizarea utilităților | определение местонахождения подземных коммуникаций | raadinta meesha tuubadu uga jirto dhulka | Ubicación de servicios públicos | розташування комунальник роздатчиків | tìm đường ống ngầm | PDXWB | More details | |
269 | vault (when talking about water utilities) | a structure where workers can access parts of the water system. Vaults are usually concrete and underground. | noun | 拱顶 (当谈到供水设施时) | Ew neni ikewe ekkewe chon angang repwene kan atotongeni ewe systemin konik (nupwen kakapas usun konikin utility kena) | भल्ट (पानीका उपयोगिताहरूबारे कुराकानी गर्दा) | cămine de vizitare pentru canalizare | отсек, свод | biyo galeenka (marka laga hadlaayo adeegyada biyaha) | Cámara | сховище (коли йдеться про водопостачання) | Hầm nước dưới lòng đất | PDXWB | More details | |
270 | voluntary water curtailment | a situation where the Water Bureau asks customers to reduce water use | noun | 自愿性节约用水 | Ew sakkun ikewe ewe Water Bureau epwene eisini aramas kena pwe repwe akisano eaean konik. | स्वैच्छिक पानीको संक्षेप | limitare voluntară a consumului de apă | добровольное сокращение потребления воды | biyo yaraynta ikhtiyaari ah | Reducción voluntaria en el consumo de agua | добровільне припинення водопостачання | cắt giảm nước tự nguyện | PDXWB | More details | |
271 | vulnerability | a weakness. For a utility, a vulnerability could be an old pipe that runs underneath a freeway. | noun | 脆弱程度 | Ew apwangepwang | संवेदनशीलता | vulnerabilitate | Уязвимая сторона, слабое звено | Nugaylka | Vulnerabilidad | вразливість | dễ bị hư hại | PDXWB | More details | |
272 | Walk-in Center | a place where you can make payments and get face-to-face help with your bill | noun | 服务中心(无需预约) | Ew neni kopwene moni eom momoooo me pwan angei masefengenin aninis ren eomuwe momo. | वाक-इन केन्द्र | centru de informare fără programare | Cервисный центр (для оплаты счетов) | Xarun Bilaa Balan lasoo Galo | Centro para visitar sin cita | центр обслуговування | Nơi có thể ra vào không cần hẹn | PDXWB | More details | |
273 | washing machine | machine that washes clothes | noun | 洗衣机 | Misinin sopun uufom | वासिङ मेसिन | mașină de spălat rufe | стиральная машина | Mashiinka wax dhaqa | Lavadoras | пральна машина | Máy giặt | PDXWB | More details | |
274 | wastewater | water that has been used in the home, in a business, or as part of an industrial process. It is the water that is flushed down your toilet and goes down your drain | noun | 废水 | Konik ra fen eaea non imw kewe me pwan bisinis kena. | फोहोर पानी | ape uzate | сточные воды, отработанная вода | biyaha wasaqda ah | Aguas residuales | стічні води | nước thải | PDXWB | More details | |
275 | wastewater leak | what happens when a sewer pipe breaks | noun | 污水泄漏 | A kan nochuno ewe paipen annow pwe mi wor katan | फोहोर पानीको चुहावट | scurgere de apă uzată | утечка сточных вод | dilaaca biyaha bulaacada | Fuga de aguas residuales | витік стічних вод | rò rỉ nước thải | PDXWB | More details | |
276 | Water Bureau | City of Portland government department that manages and provides drinking water | noun | 水务局 | Water Bureau | पानी ब्यूरो | Biroul Apei | Управление водоснабжения | Laanta Biyaha | Departamento de Aguas: | Водне бюро | Thủy Cục | PDXWB | More details | |
277 | water closet leak (WCL) | a leak where the leaked water enters the sewer system. These leaks often come from showers, sinks, and toilets. | noun | 厕所渗漏(WCL) | Ew nochuna a kan fis nge ewe konik a kan nochunong non ewe paipin annow | पानीको क्लोजेट चुहावट (WCL) | scurgere de la toaletă | утечка в санузле | dilaaca tuubada biyaha (WCL) | Fuga en el inodoro | витік з унітазу (WCL) | rò rỉ nước thải nhà tắm (WCL) | PDXWB | More details | |
278 | water damage | when water harms buildings or materials. Water damage can take the form of mold, rusting, wood damage, and other problems. | noun | 水损害 | Nupwen konik a kan atai imw kena ika mettoch kena. | पानीको क्षति | deteriorare din cauza apei | ущерб, нанесенный водой | waxyeelada biyaha | Daño por agua | пошкодження водою | thiệt hại gây ra bởi nước | PDXWB | More details | |
279 | water demand | how much water our community is using overall, how much water our community needs | noun | 需水量 | Unusen eaean konik seni non neniach | पानीको माग | solicitarea de apă | водопотребление, спрос на воду | dalabka biyaha | Demanda de agua | рівень споживання води | nhu cầu nước | PDXWB | More details | |
280 | water efficiency kit | a packet of gadgets to help your house use less water | noun | 节水工具包 | Ew pakechin pisek an epwe anisi imwomuwe an epwe akisano eaean konik | पानीको प्रभावकारिता किट | kit de eficiență a apei | Набор для эффективного водоиспользования | kiishada waxtarka biyaha | Equipo para el uso eficiente de agua | комплект пииладів для ефективного використання води | bộ tiết kiệm nước | PDXWB | More details | |
281 | Water Efficiency Program | program to help Portlanders save water | noun | 节水计划 | Program epwe anisi aramasen Portland tumunu konik | पानीको प्रभावकारिता कार्यक्रम | program de eficiență a apei | Прорамма эффективного использования воды | Barnaamijka Tashiilida Biyaha | Programa de Uso Eficiente del Agua | Програма водоефективності | Chương trình Tiết kiệm Nước | PDXWB | More details | |
282 | water filter | a device used to remove contaminants, taste, or odor from drinking water | noun | 滤水器 | Ew mettoch epwe eaea ren amwokutawowun mettoch, nenen, ika pwongawen sen ewe konik | पानीको फिल्टर | filtru de apă | фильтр для воды, фильтр для очистки воды | biye sifeeye | Filtro de agua | фільтр для води | lọc nước | PDXWB | More details | |
283 | water heater | appliance that heats water | noun | 热水器 | Pisek a kan apwichi konik | पानीको हिटर | încălzitor de apă | водонагреватель, бойлер | biyo kululeeye | Calentador de agua | нагрівач води | máy đun nước | PDXWB | More details | |
284 | Water Leak Repair Program | program to help customers fix leaks. Repairs leaks for eligible customers, free of charge | noun | 漏水修复计划 | Programen Forun Nochun Konik | पानीको चुहावट मर्मत कार्यक्रम | Programul de Reparare a Scurgerilor de Apă | Программа по устранению/ремонту утечек воды | Barnaamijka dayactirka Dilaaca Biyaha | Programa para la reparación de fugas de agua | Програма усунення витоків води | Chương trình sửa chữa chống rò rỉ nước | PDXWB | More details | |
285 | water loss | water that does not reach an end user or water that is not properly recorded by the Water Bureau. Water loss can happen via leaks, main breaks, billing inaccuracies, or water theft. | noun | 水损失 | Nusunon konik | पानी चुहिले | pierderi de apă | потеря/утечка воды | khasaarada biyaha | Pérdida de agua | втрати води | mất nước | PDXWB | More details | |
286 | water main | pipe that carries water to users around the city | noun | 水管 | Ewe popun paipen konik | पानीको मुख्य नली | rețea de apă | главный водопровод, водопроводная магистраль | xarunta guud ee biyaha | tubería principal | водогін | đường ống dẫn nước chính | PDXWB | More details | |
287 | water meter | device that measures the amount of water passing through it | noun | 水表 | Ewe popun paipen konik | पानीको मिटर | apometru | счётчик воды, счётчик расхода воды | cabirka biyaha | Medidor de agua | лічильник води | đồng hồ đo nước | PDXWB | More details | |
288 | water pressure | measurement of the force of water. Usually expressed in pounds per square inch (psi). | noun | 水压 | Mettoch ren awukuku ewe pechakunen kuusun konik | पानीको चाप | presiunea apei | напор воды, гидравлическое давление | cadaadiska biyaha | Presión del agua | тиск води | áp suất nước | PDXWB | More details | |
289 | water quality, drinking water quality | the characteristics of drinking water. People often talk about water quality when they’re thinking about whether or not it’s safe to drink. Water quality is also part of the federal and state standards that require utilities to test and report what’s in the water they supply. The main qualities for water include physical characteristics (temperature, color, odor), nutrients and minerals, organic minerals, and inorganic chemicals. | noun | 水质,饮用水质量 | Eochun konik, eochun konikin uun | पानीको गुणस्तर, खानेपानीको गुणस्तर | calitatea apei, calitatea apei potabile | качество воды, качество питьевой воды | tayada biyaha, tayada biyaha la cabbo | Calidad del agua, calidad del agua potable | якість води, якість питної води | chất lượng nước, chất lượng nước uống | PDXWB | More details | |
290 | water sample | water that has been collected for testing certain substances or characteristics | noun | 水样 | Konik ra kan ioni ren tesin mettoch ika napenapen | पानीको नमूना | mostră de apă | проба воды | muunad biyaha | Muestra de agua | проба води | mẫu nước | PDXWB | More details | |
291 | water shortage | a situation where there is not enough water to provide what our community needs | noun | 缺水 | Ewe sakkun fansoun ese kan naf konik ren ach sipwe awora met neniachewe a mochen | पानीको कमी | insuficiență de apă | more | biyo yari | Escasez de agua | нестача води | thiếu nước | PDXWB | More details | |
292 | water shutoff | when the water is turned off. In the construction context, this means that we will shut off the water at people’s meters while we connect their meters to new pipes. In other contexts, this means we will shut off a customer’s water until they pay or until they fix a hazardous situation. | noun | 停水 | Nupwen konik a kan awukuno | पानी बन्द छ | închiderea apei | отключение/перекрытие воды | biyaha la xiray ama la gooyay | Corte de agua | перекриття води | cắt nước | PDXWB | More details | |
293 | water sits in your plumbing | what happens when water is not being used. For example, in most houses, water sits in the plumbing overnight. | noun | 管道中的水 | Nupwen kose kan eaea konik, iwe a kan chok nonom non ewe paip nepwinewe | पानीको तपाईंको प्लम्बिङमा बस्छ | apa stagnează în instalația dumeavoastră | вода застаивается в сантехнике, трубах | biyo ku xirma tuubooyinkaaga | El agua permanece en sus tuberías | вода знаходиться у вашій сантехніці | nước nằm trong hệ thống ống nước của bạn | PDXWB | More details | |
294 | water storage | a place to keep water until someone is ready to use it. This can mean individual water storage (such as a resident’s water containers set aside for emergencies) or water system storage (such as a tank or reservoir). | noun | 储水 | Iseisen konik tori an emon a moneta an epwene eaea. | पानीको भण्डारण | depozitarea apei | водосборник, водохранилище, резервуар/бак для воды, ёмкость для воды | kaydka biyaha | Almacenamiento de agua | місце зберігання води | kho chứa nước | PDXWB | More details | |
295 | water system | the pipes, pumps and other infrastructure that transports water from a water source to water users | noun | 供水系统 | Pisekin uwaton konik ngeni nenien aramas | पानीको प्रणाली | sistem de apă | водопровод, водоснабжение | nidaamka biyaha | sistema de agua. | водна система | hệ thống nước | PDXWB | More details | |
296 | water tank | a container that holds water. This can be large (as in a city water tank) or small (as in the water tank on a maintenance truck). | noun | 水箱 | Tangukun konik | पानी ट्याङ्की | rezervor de apă | резервуар/бак для воды | taangiga biyaha | Tanque de agua | бак для води | bồn nước | PDXWB | More details | |
297 | water tower | a structure that stores water up high, so that gravity can distribute the water from that point | noun | 水塔 | Ewe neni ra iseni konik mi tekia | पानीको टावर | turn de apă | водонапорная башня | dhismaha biyaha | Torre de agua | водонапірна башта | Tháp nước | PDXWB | More details | |
298 | water treatment | the process of making raw water safe for drinking. This can include removing contaminants and adding small amounts of chemicals. | noun | 水质处理 | Nenien tumunun nimenimen konik | पानी प्रशोधन | tratamentul apei | обработка воды, очистка воды | daawada biyaha | Tratamiento de agua | очистка води | việc xử lý nước | PDXWB | More details | |
299 | water use | how much water people use. This can refer either to how much water a community is using or how much water an individual account has used. | noun | 用水量 | Awukukun konik aramas ra kan eaea | पानीको प्रयोग | consum de apă | использование воды, водопользование, потребление воды | isticmaalka biyaha | Consumo de agua | використання води | luợng nước xài | PDXWB | More details | |
300 | water use restrictions | limits on how much water people can use | noun | 用水限制 | Pinepinen eaean konik | पानीको प्रयोगका प्रतिबन्धहरू | restricția consumului de apă | ограничения по использованию воды | xayiraadaha isticmaalka biyaha | Restricciones en el consumo del agua | обмеження використання води | giới hạn sử dụng nước | PDXWB | More details | |
301 | water volume | on your bill, the amount of water your property used | noun | 水量 | Awukukun konik imwomuwe a kan eaea | पानीको मात्रा | volumul de apă | объем воды | xajimiga biyaha | Volumen de agua | обсяг води | lượng nước/thể tích nước | PDXWB | More details | |
302 | water wisely | use the right amount of water for what you are doing. This relates to water conservation or saving water. | noun | 巧妙用水 | Eaea ewe awukukun konik ren metewe ka kan fori. | बुद्धिमानीपूर्वक पानी हाल्नुहोस् | folosiți apa cu chibzuință | разумное использование воды | tashiilo biyaha | Riegue con prudencia | поливайте з розумом | sử dụng nước khôn ngoan | PDXWB | More details | |
303 | water-borne disease | human illness caused by consuming harmful microorganisms in water. This can be caused by bacteria, protozoa, or other microscopic creatures. | noun | 水传播疾病 | Semwen ra kan poputa seni wuunun konik mi nimengaw | पानीबाट सर्ने रोग | boli transmise prin apă | заболевание, передающееся через воду | xanuun biyaha ku faafa | Enfermedades de transmisión a través del agua | хвороба, що передається водою | các bệnh liên quan đến nguồn nước | PDXWB | More details | |
304 | water-efficient | describes something that uses the minimum amount of water to do the action well (such as flushing a toilet or watering a lawn) | noun | 节水 | Eochun eaean akukunun awukukun konik | पानी-प्रभावकारी | eficient din punctul de vedere al folosirii apei | водосберегающий | tashiilida biyaha | De bajo consumo de agua | водноефективний | tiết kiệm nước | PDXWB | More details | |
305 | water-saving devices | gadgets to help your toilet, faucet, other fixtures use less water | noun | 节水装置 | Mettoch ren aninisin eom toilet, faucet, me pwan ekkoch mettoch kena ar repwe akisano eaean konik | पानी बचाउने यन्त्रहरू | dispozitive de economisire a apei | водосберегающие приборы/устройства | aaladaha biyaha kaydiya | Dispositivos para el ahorro de agua | водозберігаючі пристрої | thiết bị tiết kiệm nước | PDXWB | More details | |
306 | watershed | an area of land where all rainfall drains into the same waterway. Portland’s watersheds include the Columbia Slough, Fanno Creek, Tryon Creek, Johnson Creek, and Willamette River. | noun | 集水区 | Ew neni non ewe fonu ikewe meinisin chonun wuut ra kan kuusunong chok non ewe chok ew neni | जल-विभाजक | bazinul hidrografic | водораздел, водосбор | barkada biyaha | Cuenca (hidrográfica) | вододіл | lưu vực | PDXWB | More details | |
307 | Weekly Watering Number | information you can sign up to receive. Based on your zip code, the Weekly Watering Number will tell you each week how much you need to water your plants. | noun | 每周浇水次数 | Nampan achonuchon non ew wik | साप्ताहिक वाटरिङ सङ्ख्या | Numărul săptămânal de folosire a apei | Еженедельное количество поливов (услуга по подписке) | Inta Jeer ee aad Geedaha Waraabinayso Asbuucii | Número de riego semanal | Тижневе число поливу | lượng nước sử dụng hàng tuần | PDXWB | More details | |
308 | well | infrastructure for pumping water out of the ground so people can use it | noun | 水井 | Ew neni ra kan pumeni konik seni non pwuun | इनार | fântână | колодец, источник, скважина | ceelka | Pozo | колодязь | giếng | PDXWB | More details | |
309 | well field | area with multiple water supply wells that are used together | noun | 井田 | Ew neni mi wor chomong nenien pumeni konik seni non pwuun | इनारको क्षेत्र | câmp de puțuri | водозабор, группа скважин, колодезное поле | dhul leh ceelal biyood | Campo de pozos | колодязне поле | khu vực giếng | PDXWB | More details | |
310 | wellhead | the specific location of a well | noun | 井口 | Tichikin nenien ewe nenien pumeni konik seni non pwuun | वेलहेड | localizare fântână | источник, родник, устье скважины | goobta ceelka | Cabeza del pozo | гирла свердловини | miệng giếng | PDXWB | More details | |
311 | wholesale customer | a water provider that buys water from the Portland Water Bureau | noun | 供水批发商客户 | Chon Kamo unus | थोक बिक्रेता ग्राहक | client en gros | оптовый потребитель/клиент (воды в Управлении водоснабжения) | macmiilka jumlada | Cliente al por mayor | оптовий замовник | khác hàng mua sỉ | PDXWB | More details | |
312 | winter average | how much water an account usually uses in the winter months. The City uses a winter average volume for residential accounts because it is an efficient way to determine sewer volume. Most water is used indoors during this time of year (roughly December through April) and enters the sewer system. In the warmer months, some water is used outside to water lawns and gardens and doesn’t enter the sewer system. | noun | 冬季平均值 | Keuk non fansoun patapat | जाडोको औसत | media de iarnă | Средний расход воды в зимний период | celceliska biyaha la isticmaalo jiilaalka | Media de invierno | середнє зимове споживання | trung bình mùa đông | PDXWB | More details | |
313 | wise water use | using the right amount of water for the task | noun | 巧妙用水 | Eaeaochun konik | बुद्धिमानी तरिकाले पानीको प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् | utilizare chibzuită a apei | разумное использование воды | isticmaalka biyaha ee tashiilan | Uso inteligente del agua | розумне використання води | sử dụng nước khôn ngoan | PDXWB | More details | |
314 | Your street may be closed to all but local traffic | something you may see if there is construction on your street. It means that people who live on the street will be allowed to enter, and businesses will be able to receive deliveries. Other traffic will not be allowed. | noun | 街道将禁止非本地车辆通行 | Ewe an ke nom ie epwe kesip seni meinsin nge esap pwan kesip seni ami kewe chon nom non ewe neni | तपाईंको सडक स्थानीय ट्राफिक बाहेक सबैका लागि बन्द हुन सक्छ | Se poate ca strada dumneavostră să fie închisă pentru accesul tuturor cu excepția traficului local | Ваша улица может быть закрыта для всего транспорта, кроме местного. | Jidkaaga ayaa laga xiri karaa dhammaan gaadiidka maxaliga ah | Su calle puede estar cerrada a todo el tráfico excepto el local | Ваша вулиця може бути закрита, дозволено лише в’їзд транспорту місцевого значення. | chặn đường lưu thông ngoại trừ người sống bên trong | PDXWB | More details | |
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